java Programming Glossary: goals
Including dependencies in a jar with Maven plugin artifactId executions execution phase package phase goals goal attached goal goals execution executions configuration.. execution phase package phase goals goal attached goal goals execution executions configuration descriptorRefs descriptorRef..
Problem building executable jar with maven configuration executions execution phase package phase goals goal single goal goals execution executions plugin plugin.. execution phase package phase goals goal single goal goals execution executions plugin plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins.. configuration executions execution phase package phase goals goal single goal goals execution executions plugin Of course..
Is it possible to create an “uber” jar containing the project classes and the project dependencies as jars with a custom manifest file? configuration executions execution phase package phase goals goal single goal goals execution executions plugin Finally run.. execution phase package phase goals goal single goal goals execution executions plugin Finally run mvn assembly assembly..
What is the easiest way to parse an INI file in Java? to 10 000 other jar files as one of the design goals was to use only the standard Java API This is an example on..
Difference of Maven JAXB plugins maven jaxb2 plugin artifactId executions execution goals goal generate goal goals execution executions plugin plugins.. artifactId executions execution goals goal generate goal goals execution executions plugin plugins build project share improve..
A better Java JSON library? [closed]
How to configure JPA for testing in Maven META INF persistence.xml tasks configuration goals goal run goal goals execution execution id restore persistence.. persistence.xml tasks configuration goals goal run goal goals execution execution id restore persistence id phase prepare.. META INF persistence.xml tasks configuration goals goal run goal goals execution executions plugin share improve..
How can I create an executable jar with dependencies using Maven? merges phase package phase bind to the packaging phase goals goal single goal goals execution executions plugin share improve..
How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection? a self signed certificate Can I accomplish all of the goals I have in mind above or am I going to have to compromise Is..
force Maven2 to copy dependencies into target/lib artifactId executions execution phase install phase goals goal copy dependencies goal goals configuration outputDirectory.. install phase goals goal copy dependencies goal goals configuration outputDirectory lib..