java Programming Glossary: googlecredential
BigQuery and OAuth2 static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory GoogleCredential credentials new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT.. new JacksonFactory GoogleCredential credentials new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory GoogleCredential credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT.. new JacksonFactory GoogleCredential credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY.. Bearer HttpRequestInitializer credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY..
OAuth Google API for Java unable to impersonate user new JacksonFactory public static void main String args try GoogleCredential credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT.. void main String args try GoogleCredential credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY.. with the service accounts drive . According to the JavaDoc GoogleCredential can also be used to impersonate a user by adding the service..
Google Drive service account returns 403 usageLimits not used up any of my quota. Here is the code I'm using GoogleCredential credentials new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT.. is the code I'm using GoogleCredential credentials new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY..
Youtube Analytics & Google Service Account the best solution. I use the Google Account Service GoogleCredential to authenticate me static Build service account credential... Error tokenErrorResponse.toPrettyString Create a GoogleCredential for authenticate with ServiceAccount service credential new.. authenticate with ServiceAccount service credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY..