java Programming Glossary: generationtype.identity
The easiest way to remove the bidirectional recursive relationships? long serialVersionUID 1L @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY @Basic optional false @Column name IDCOORDONNEES nullable false..
Hibernate @Version annotation and object references an unsaved transient instance long serialVersionUID 1L @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private long ID @Version private Long version private Long createdBy.. class ApplicationEvents @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private long ID @Temporal value TemporalType.TIMESTAMP private..
Bypass GeneratedValue in Hibernate (merge data not in db?) @Id @Basic optional false @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY generator IdOrGenerated @GenericGenerator name IdOrGenerated..
JAX-RS using exception mappers public class Person @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY @Column name ID private Long id @Column name NAME private String..
Hibernate and NonUniqueObjectException class A extends Serializable @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private Long id @ManyToOne @Cascade CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE..
How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations to use an IDENTITY strategy @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private Long id Which is what you'd get when using AUTO with..
Hibernate cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags @Entity public Parent @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private Long id @OneToMany mappedBy parent fetch FetchType.EAGER.. @Entity public Child @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private Long id @ManyToOne private Parent parent How about this.. @Entity public Parent @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private Long id @ManyToOne private AntoherParent anotherParent..
Facebook Connect example in JSP (tomcat) @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private long id private String username private String password..
JPA composite primary key public class Product @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private Integer id I need to define a class Price such that..
Error - trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty
Declarative transactions (@Transactional) doesn't work with @Repository in Spring public class Professor @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY private int id private String name public Professor public Professor..
Can someone please explain mappedBy in hibernate? setAirlineFlights flights @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY @Column name IDAIRLINE nullable false public Integer getIdAirline..
Why is my EmbeddedId in hibernate not working? id setHolidayPackage pkg @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.IDENTITY @Column name IDHOLIDAYPACKAGEVARIANT nullable false public Integer..