java Programming Glossary: generalsecurityexception
Encrypt Password in Configuration Files? (Java) import import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.SecretKey import.. private static String encrypt String property throws GeneralSecurityException UnsupportedEncodingException SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance.. bytes private static String decrypt String property throws GeneralSecurityException IOException SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance..
How to decrypt an encrypted file in java with openssl with AES? import java.nio.file.Files import import import java.util.Arrays import.. Bad algorithm mode or corrupted resized ciphertext. catch GeneralSecurityException e throw new IllegalStateException e catch IOException e throw..
Handling passwords used for auth in source code line arguments public static void main String args throws GeneralSecurityException FileNotFoundException IOException Set common attributes. COMMON_ATTRIBUTES.put.. 1 private static String encrypt byte property throws GeneralSecurityException SecretKeyFactory keyFactory SecretKeyFactory.getInstance PBEWithMD5AndDES.. private static String encrypt char property throws GeneralSecurityException Prepare and encrypt. byte bytes new byte property.length for..
Youtube Analytics & Google Service Account list .build credential.refreshToken catch GeneralSecurityException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace And..
How can I have multiple SSL certificates for a Java server new FileInputStream kstfil kstpwd catch thr throw new IOException Cannot load keystore thr CREATE EPHEMERAL.. null ssf ctx.getServerSocketFactory catch thr throw new IOException Cannot create secure socket thr CREATE.. keyStoreFile char password String alias throws IOException GeneralSecurityException this.alias alias this.password password InputStream stream..
telling java to accept self-signed ssl certificate sc.getSocketFactory catch GeneralSecurityException e Now you can access an https URL without having the certificate..
how can I convert String to SecretKey key argument does not contain a valid AES key catch GeneralSecurityException e throw new IllegalStateException Unexpected exception during.. better know about padding oracle attacks return null catch GeneralSecurityException e throw new IllegalStateException Unexpected exception during..