java Programming Glossary: generates
Most elegant way to generate prime numbers this function ArrayList generatePrimes int n This function generates the first n primes edit where n 1 so generatePrimes 5 will return..
Why no static methods in Interfaces, but static fields and inner classes OK? a fair comparison since that's just syntactic sugar that generates a new class but why fields but not methods An argument against..
Problem building executable jar with maven there to the pom.xml and ran mvn assembly assembly. It generates two jar files in logmanager target logmanager 0.1.0.jar and.. explains at least partially why you run into troubles. It generates two jar files in logmanager target logmanager 0.1.0.jar and..
Instance variable initialization in java be executed as statements are. Instead the Java compiler generates instance field initialization code automatically and puts it..
Why don't Java Generics support primitive types? part of the runtime so primitive types can be used the CLR generates new versions of generic classes for primitives and structs as..
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? technically the name is MyType E . mt has a raw type and generates a compilation warning by the first bullet point in the above..
What is the concept of erasure in generics in java? again just talks in terms of java.lang.Object the compiler generates extra casts where necessary. At execution time a List String..
Variable Layout in Swing textfields are grouped in bordered panels and the program generates this. I've been using GridLayout but the problem is that it..
Generate UUID in Java this question According to the documentation randomUUID generates a type 4 UUID. This means that the six most significant bits..
Painted content invisible while resizing in Java this method is not being called. While resizing it generates Live resize in my log every single pixel I resize the window...
Design Patterns web based applications in flavor of JSP taglibs or XML elements which in turn generates HTML CSS JS. The state of the View for the subsequent requests..
Generating random numbers in a range with Java Max Min 1 The Java Math library function Math.random generates a double value in the range 0 1 . Notice this range does not..
What is the point of the diamond operator in Java 7? example of List String list new LinkedList the compiler generates a warning for that assignment because it must. Consider this..
How do I address unchecked cast warnings? when you get a ClassCastException . This is why the code generates a warning because the compiler can't possibly know whether is..
How to use JSF generated HTML element ID in CSS selectors? phoneForm h dataTable id phoneTable h dataTable h form It generates an id for this table phoneForm phoneTable . I can't apply CSS.. f ajax won't be able to find it. See also By default JSF generates unusable ids which are incompatible with css part of web standards..
How get the base URL? is when the current page is index.xhtml the component generates URLs correctly but when the current page is about_us.xhtml it.. correctly but when the current page is about_us.xhtml it generates wrong URLs. I cannot use relative path because it's going to..
Java 256-bit AES Password-Based Encryption the ciphertext and the iv to the recipient. The recipient generates a SecretKey in exactly the same way using the same salt and..
How does the String class override the + operator? String build new StringBuilder cip .append ciop .toString Generates this see how the two concatenation styles lead to the very same..
Java: function for arrays like PHP's join()? . For example StringUtils.join new String Hello World Generates the following String Hello World share improve this answer..
AES gets different results in iOS and Java e e.printStackTrace return Generates a SecretKeySpec for given password @param password @return SecretKeySpec..
Cannot find Main Class in File Compiled With Ant javac target target name dist depends compile description Generates distributable creates the distribution directory mkdir dir dist.. as follows target name dist depends compile description Generates distributable creates the distribution directory mkdir dir dist..
Java to XML conversions? XMLBeans for this . Nominees JAXB all implementations Generates POJOs with JAXB annotations. XMLBeans Generates proprietary.. Generates POJOs with JAXB annotations. XMLBeans Generates proprietary classes that includes XML binding logic. Use Case..
Java raw audio output tone and storing it in a Clip is encompassed in this code Generates a tone and assigns it to the Clip. public void generateTone.. 0 clip.loop Clip.LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY else clip.stop Generates a tone and assigns it to the Clip. public void generateTone..