java Programming Glossary:
how to make a composite primary key (java persistence annotation) RoleDAO getRoles return roles @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO public Integer getUserID return userID in rolesdao @ManyToMany.. UserDAO getUsers return users @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO public Integer getRoleID return roleID thank you MORE INFO so..
JPA/Hibernate: detached entity passed to persist public class Transaction @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO private Long id @ManyToOne cascade CascadeType.ALL fetch FetchType.EAGER.. @Entity public class Account @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO private Long id @OneToMany cascade CascadeType.ALL fetch FetchType.EAGER..
Map enum in JPA with fixed values? int getValue return value @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO @Column name AUTHORITY_ID private Long id the enum to map private.. item break return right @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO @Column name AUTHORITY_ID private Long id @Column name RIGHT_ID..
Hibernate JPA Sequence (non-Id) @Id here but this doesn't work... @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO generator myGen @SequenceGenerator name myGen sequenceName MY_SEQUENCE..
How to persist a property of type List<String> in JPA? implements Serializable @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO Long id @Basic List String arguments new ArrayList String public..
Hibernate Annotation Placement Question Widget private Integer id @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO public Integer getId return public Integer setId Integer.. widget public class Widget @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO private Integer id public Integer getId return public..
Hibernate: Automatically creating/updating the db tables based on entity classes public class ServerNode @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO Long id String firstName String lastName and my persistence.xml..
JPA: How to have one-to-many relation of the same Entity type A implements Serializable @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO private Long id @ManyToOne private A parent @OneToMany mappedBy..
Primitive or wrapper for hibernate primary keys 1L private Long id @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO public Long getId return id public void setId Long id
Hibernate generating SQL queries when accessing associated entity's id public class SuperEntity @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO @Column name id private long itemId When I query for EntityA.. private long itemId @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO @Column name id public long getItemId return itemId ... Related..
How do I properly cascade save a one-to-one, bidirectional relationship on primary key in Hibernate 3.6 LeadAffiliate leadAffiliate @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO public Long getLeadId return leadId @OneToOne cascade CascadeType.ALL..
How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations when using AUTO with MySQL @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO private Long id Which is actually equivalent to @Id @GeneratedValue..
Hibernate use of PostgreSQL sequence does not affect sequence table 1 is not a good practice. Some people recommend to use GenerationType.AUTO instead when you have to deal with database managed sequences..
Mapping array with Hibernate private List Integer values @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO this is only if your id is really auto generated public Long..
how to make hibernate ignore class variables that are not mapped! implements Serializable @Id @GeneratedValue strategy GenerationType.AUTO private Long id @Column length 50 private String name @Column..