java Programming Glossary: frame.dispose
Translucent JPopupMenu inside a Translucent Window - alternative? public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e if countdown 0 frame.dispose window.dispose System.exit 0 else frame.repaint .start..
Making a single component full screen button if w instanceof JFrame JFrame frame JFrame w frame.dispose frame.setUndecorated true frame.getGraphicsConfiguration .getDevice.. button if w instanceof JFrame JFrame frame JFrame w frame.dispose frame.setUndecorated false frame.getGraphicsConfiguration..
Equivalent function to C's “_getch()” in Java? KeyEvent e synchronized frame frame.setVisible false frame.dispose frame.notify @Override public void keyReleased KeyEvent..
Java 2D game graphics break renderTime System.nanoTime renderStart 1000000 frame.dispose public void updateGame update game logic here public void renderGame..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics public void windowClosing WindowEvent we t.done frame.dispose t.start frame.setLocation new Point 640 0 frame.pack frame.setVisible..
How can a Swing WindowListener veto JFrame closing
How to wait for input in a text field? holder.add Integer.parseInt field.getText holder.notify frame.dispose frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.pack..
Java - how do I prevent WindowClosing from actually closing the window So if any of them hit Cancel I set close to false if close frame.dispose System.exit 0 No matter what I try the window always closes.. WindowAdapter public void windowClosing WindowEvent ev frame.dispose frame.setVisible true If I keep the dispose call commented..