java Programming Glossary: fr
A Simple Http Server with Java/Socket? this code does not contain any errors and I got a response from the browser like this GET HTTP 1.1 Host localhost 1989 Connection.. q 0.8 Accept Encoding gzip deflate sdch Accept Language fr FR fr q 0.8 en US q 0.6 en q 0.4 Accept Charset ISO 8859 1 utf.. Accept Encoding gzip deflate sdch Accept Language fr FR fr q 0.8 en US q 0.6 en q 0.4 Accept Charset ISO 8859 1 utf 8 q..
Print text File to specific printer in java pf.getImageableX int y int pf.getImageableY try FileReader fr new FileReader ticket BufferedReader br new BufferedReader fr.. new FileReader ticket BufferedReader br new BufferedReader fr String s while s br.readLine null y interline g2.drawString..
how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian? for this..but no specific guidance i have got..hope anyone from stack overflow family can help me out or give me a proper.. implement one of above can anyone help me out fr this...thanks in advance with the first option i had created..
Is there a preference for nested try/catch blocks? situation. I usually use this construction FileReader fr new FileReader SomeFile.txt try try finally fr.close.. FileReader fr new FileReader SomeFile.txt try try finally fr.close catch Exception e Do exception handling.. fr new FileReader SomeFile.txt try try finally fr.close catch Exception e Do exception handling But I've also..
JAXB: How to ignore namespace during unmarshalling XML document? throws FileNotFoundException JAXBException FileReader fr null try fr new FileReader source XMLReader reader new NamespaceFilterXMLReader.. FileNotFoundException JAXBException FileReader fr null try fr new FileReader source XMLReader reader new NamespaceFilterXMLReader.. NamespaceFilterXMLReader InputSource is new InputSource fr SAXSource ss new SAXSource reader is return unmarshaller.unmarshal..
How do I fix "The expression of type List needs unchecked conversion…'? conversion&hellip ' In the Java snippet SyndFeedInput fr new SyndFeedInput SyndFeed sf new XmlReader myInputStream.. snippet SyndFeedInput fr new SyndFeedInput SyndFeed sf new XmlReader myInputStream List SyndEntry entries sf.getEntries.. returns a raw List it could hold anything. The warning free approach is to create a new List SyndEntry then cast each..
Reading UTF-8 - BOM marker but sadly the BOM marker is outputted too. Why this occurs fr new FileReader file br new BufferedReader fr String tmp null.. this occurs fr new FileReader file br new BufferedReader fr String tmp null while tmp br.readLine null String text text..
Java App : Unable to read iso-8859-1 encoded file correctly something like File in new File myfile.csv InputStream fr new FileInputStream in byte buffer new byte 4096 while true.. in byte buffer new byte 4096 while true int byteCount buffer 0 buffer.length if byteCount 0 break String s..
Java.util.Map to JSON Object with Jersey / JAXB / Jackson REST Webservice. I want to receive and emit JSON objects from Java classes like the following @XmlRootElement public class.. this code ABC123 names de Die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie fr Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain However I can not find.. entry key de value Die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie key fr value Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain Are there any proposed..
Tomcat 6: How to change the ROOT application There are three methods First shutdown your Tomcat from the its bin directory sh . Then delete all the.. delete all the content of your Tomcat webapps folder rm fr . Then rename your WAR file to ROOT.war and finally start your.. your WAR file to ROOT.war and finally start your Tomcat from the bin directory sh . Leave your war file in CATALINA_BASE..
How to read file from end to start (in reverse order) in Java? to read file from end to start in reverse order in Java hi i want to read file.. in Java hi i want to read file in opposite direction from end to the start my file 1322110800 LOG ROTATION DAILY 1322110800.. it in this way String strpath var nagios.log FileReader fr new FileReader strpath BufferedReader br new BufferedReader..