java Programming Glossary: free
JComponents not showing up with picture background? fully opaque color. If it is false then the programmer is free to leave it untouched. So in order to overcome the hassle assoicated..
Convert a string representation of a hex dump to a byte array using Java? and String objects for every single byte. Feel free to add argument checking via assert or exceptions if the argument..
Java: What is the best way to SFTP a file from a server of best up to you but in my mind it should include free java ftp sftp security share improve this question Another..
Example images for code and mark-up Q&As Are there any small under 30KB on site license royalty free images we can hot link to for these types of examples java..
Recommendations for a heap analysis tool for Java? [closed]
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android to do it. Plus I would like to understand how to get the free memory of the phone too. java android memory memory management.. size 10940 7047 N A 17987 allocated 8943 5516 N A 14459 free 336 1531 N A 1867 Pss 4585 9282 11916 25783 shared dirty 2184.. is the kb of actual allocations that heap thinks it has free is the remaining kb free the heap has for additional allocations..
Why is it a bad practice to call System.gc? After answering to a question about how to force free objects in Java the guy was clearing a 1.5GB HashMap with System.gc.. necessarily return that memory to the system even when you free Java objects it is perfectly free to hold on to the allocated.. the system even when you free Java objects it is perfectly free to hold on to the allocated memory to use for future Java allocations...
Using Java to get OS-level system information Runtime.getRuntime .availableProcessors Total amount of free memory available to the JVM System.out.println Free memory bytes.. System.out.println Free memory bytes Runtime.getRuntime .freeMemory This will return Long.MAX_VALUE if there is no preset..
Recommended JSF 2.0 CRUD frameworks [closed] edit Other getters setters are actually unnecessary. Feel free to add them though. Page DOCTYPE html html xmlns http
How to deal with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” error (64MB heap size) file system frequently using database is the same thing to free up the memory. It could work but it's probably a lot work too...
If profiler is not the answer, what other choices do we have? . Can we build a profiler that really ' observer effect ' free java performance profiler share improve this question Oh..
Best way to read a text file [closed]
Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed] for Java JDBC I'm considering the 2 main candidates free open source Apache DBCP http dbcp C3P0 http..
What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java? is more concise provides the serialization machinery for free and provides an ironclad guarantee against multiple instantiation..
The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice? or JOptionPane instances appear for the rest of the free floating elements using the frame as the parent for the dialogs...
Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list time. Versions found are Path Users Zaheer Developer App Free libs android support v4.jar Length 349252 SHA 1 612846c9857077a039b533718f72db3bc041d389.. right JAR in App Library . Step #4 Delete the one from App Free since it will pick up that JAR from App Library . You are welcome.. to instead have the same actual JAR file in both spots App Free and App Library though that just takes up extra space for no..
Positioning of components (how to place a few buttons center screen same size) in the middle of the frame together. Im using Netbeans. Free design is what I have been using but it is only good when there..
How can I convert my Java program to an .exe file? [closed] are supported. LaunchAnywhere EDIT Commercial with Free Trial Last version is from 2012 A LAX Executable is an executable..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException mp1.reset removefile mp1prepared false Log.d TAG mp1 is Free. if downloadingformp2 if mp2preparing stopping false waitingForPlayer..
Which SSO Framework to use? [closed] I found a presentation that you might find useful Fast and Free SSO A Survey of Open Source Solutions to Single Sign On . A..
Using Java to get OS-level system information of free memory available to the JVM System.out.println Free memory bytes Runtime.getRuntime .freeMemory This will return.. Total space bytes root.getTotalSpace System.out.println Free space bytes root.getFreeSpace System.out.println Usable space.. System.out.println Free space bytes root.getFreeSpace System.out.println Usable space bytes root.getUsableSpace..
Best source code formatter for Javascript? [closed] if any Java based ones are available that is a big plus. Free and or open source is preferred as well. I am looking for something..
Authenticating against Active Directory with Java on Linux until you have that bird in hand. For NTLM there is a Free OSS project called JCIFS that has an NTLM HTTP authentication..
What is your favourite code coverage tool(s)? (Free and non-free) [closed] is your favourite code coverage tool s Free and non free closed What is your favourite code coverage tool..
Are Java and C# regular expressions compatible? .NET YES Java NO Character class is a single token Free spacing syntax .NET YES Java NO pL through pC or p IsL through..
Interesting uses of sun.misc.Unsafe VM intrinsification. ie CAS Compare And Swap used in Lock Free Hash Tables eg sun.misc.Unsafe.compareAndSwapInt it can make..
Visual swing in Eclipse is quite good. Can generate GUIs for both Swing and SWT. Free for non commercial use and pretty affordable at US85 per developer..
Why do constructors in java not have a return type? [duplicate] env env DeleteLocalRef env result result NULL Free local references env DeleteLocalRef env elemArr env DeleteLocalRef..
Dynamically Add Components to a JDialog this.pack Another one of my problems is that I am using a Free Design layout in NetBeans which meant that my label was probably..
How do I detect which kind of JRE is installed — 32bit vs. 64bit generic 64 64bit GNU 1.5 java.vendor Free Software Foundation Inc. java.vendor.url http java.. Inc. java.vm.specification.version 1.0 java.vm.vendor Free Software Foundation Inc. java.vm.version 4.2.4 Ubuntu 4.2.4..
How do you import a font? 'Airacobra Condensed' font available from Download Free Fonts . import java.awt. import javax.swing. import