java Programming Glossary: fragmentactivity
Difference between Activity and FragmentActivity between Activity and FragmentActivity I was working on fragments and came across two things Activity.. on fragments and came across two things Activity and FragmentActivity which are used several times. I want to know that is there any.. between these two because when I changed Activity with FragmentActivity it had no effect on the app. java android android fragments..
Difference between Fragment And FragmentActivity between Fragment And FragmentActivity My question is apart from the obvious inheritance differences.. what are the main differences between Fragment and FragmentActivity To what scenarios are each class best suited I'm trying to get.. to add the Support Package to your project and use the FragmentActivity to hold your Fragments . The FragmentActivity class has an API..
Google Maps Android api v2 and current location android.provider.Settings import import android.widget.Toast public class MainActivity extends.. android.widget.Toast public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements LocationListener private GoogleMap map private static..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager I'm using the v4 compatibility ViewPager in Android. My FragmentActivity has a bunch of data which is to be displayed in different ways.. here I am stuck. public class ProgressMainActivity extends FragmentActivity MyAdapter mAdapter ViewPager mPager @Override public void onCreate..
How to transition from managedQuery to LoaderManager/CursorLoader? level 8 a LoaderManager isn't tied to an Activity . The FragmentActivity class in the compatibility package does this but I'm not using.. in an app targeting a pre 11 API level simply use the FragmentActivity class in the compatibility package. A FragmentActivity is just.. the FragmentActivity class in the compatibility package. A FragmentActivity is just an Activity and has been created for Android compatibility..