java Programming Glossary: frame.addwindowlistener
Java 2D game graphics Setup public Test JFrame frame new JFrame frame.addWindowListener new FrameClose frame.setDefaultCloseOperation WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE..
Java: does the EDT restart or not when an exception is thrown? void main String args final CrashEDT frame new CrashEDT frame.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter public void windowClosing WindowEvent e ..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics .add zoomPanel final Ticker t new Ticker zoomPanel frame.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter public void windowClosing WindowEvent we..
How can a Swing WindowListener veto JFrame closing document. But if they cancel the frame shouldn't close. frame.addWindowListener new SaveOnCloseWindowListener fileState ... public class SaveOnCloseWindowListener.. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation setDefaultCloseOperation frame.addWindowListener new SaveOnCloseWindowListener fileState ... public class SaveOnCloseWindowListener..
Java: how to do double-buffering in Swing? final DemosDoubleBuffering frame new DemosDoubleBuffering frame.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter public void windowClosing WindowEvent e ..
How to “correctly” detect DPI of display with Java? South inchScrollPane frame.getContentPane .add rulerPanel frame.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter public void windowActivated WindowEvent e..
how to add different JComboBox items in a Column of a JTable in Swing args EachRowEditorExample frame new EachRowEditorExample frame.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter @Override public void windowClosing WindowEvent..
Basic Java Swing, how to exit and dispose of your application/JFrame null if confirm JOptionPane.YES_OPTION System.exit 0 frame.addWindowListener exitListener frame.setDefaultCloseOperation EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.setJMenuBar..
Java - how do I prevent WindowClosing from actually closing the window WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE frame.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter public void windowClosing WindowEvent ev boolean.. WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE frame.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter public void windowClosing WindowEvent ev..
Calculating running totals in JTable using JComboBox args RunningTotalCalculate frame new RunningTotalCalculate frame.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter public void windowClosing WindowEvent e .. frame new EachRowTableEditorExample frame.addWindowListener new WindowAdapter @Override public void windowClosing WindowEvent..