java Programming Glossary: fragile
Comparing a char to a code-point? probably do if codepoint int token ... but this code looks fragile. Is there a formal API method for comparing codepoints to chars..
Using jars that use java.beans classes (Introspector, BeanInfo or PropertyDescriptor) java.beans package and compile it for android. This seems fragile for me but looks like it's working. Unfortunately this is not..
Hibernate/JPA DB Schema Generation Best Practices the schema from the entities is great in theory but were fragile in practice and causes lots of problems in the long run trust..
How to demonstrate race conditions around values that aren't published properly? is false I have modified the class to make it more fragile but I still can not get an AssertionError thrown. class Holder2..
Is it bad practice to use Reflection in Unit testing? from being harder to understand and maintain is also more fragile. There are a whole set of errors which in the normal case would..
Which framework is better CXF or Spring-WS?
How does Java's serialization work and when it should be used instead of some other persistence technique? portable to other platforms It's not hugely efficient It's fragile getting it to cope with multiple versions of a class is somewhat..
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? effectively amount to DRM and can make your client code fragile in the face of network outages and just generally frustrate..
How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging) it was HQL Criteria or native SQL. This is obviously fragile insecure subject to break with changes in Hibernate etc but..
Is there a Java library that can “diff” two Objects? to do this. The application I'm maintaining has a fragile implementation of this functionality that had some poor design..