java Programming Glossary: fractional
Android color picker to be included in the activity p unit colors.length 1 int i int p p i now p is just the fractional part 0...1 and i is the index int c0 colors i int c1 colors..
Strange floating-point behaviour in a Java program format rather than decimal floating point format. The only fractional values which can be represented exactly are those which are..
How do I get whole and fractional parts from double in JSP/Java? do I get whole and fractional parts from double in JSP Java How do I get whole and fractional.. parts from double in JSP Java How do I get whole and fractional parts from double in JSP Java If the value is 3.25 then I want.. double in JSP Java If the value is 3.25 then I want to get fractional .25 whole 3 How can we do this in Java Any pointers is highly..
How to do a fractional power on BigDecimal in Java? to do a fractional power on BigDecimal in Java In my little project I need to.. numbers are too big Use BigDecimal.pow but no support for fractional Use the X^ A B X^A X^B formula B is the remainder of the second..
Java2D Graphics anti-aliased constructor can manage the anti aliasing and fractional metrics settings. Addendum Using g2d.setColor seems..
Increase playback speed of sound file in java As you step through your samples by some increment use the fractional distance to create a value to stream. For example if you land..
Java float division precision you're using integer division . In integer division the fractional part of the result is thrown away. Try the following float res..
RowFilter.NumberFilter: can't handle “mixed” concrete number types compares the long values unexpectedly filtering all fractional values 2 . import java.awt.BorderLayout import java.awt.Dimension..
how to convert between degrees, minutes, seconds to Decimal coordinates total number of seconds 43 1 43 60 41 2621 seconds. The fractional part is total number of seconds divided by 3600. 2621 3600 ~0.728056.. number of seconds divided by 3600. 2621 3600 ~0.728056 Add fractional degrees to whole degrees to produce the final result 87 0.728056..