java Programming Glossary: fps
GUI running at 30 fps? running at 30 fps While testing some real time simulation code which uses a Swingworker.. a Swingworker I noticed my GUI always seems to run at 30 fps no more no less. I update the GUI everytime the user interacts.. GUI so I was wondering what causes the GUI to update at 30 fps Is there maybe like a vsync active in the GUI by default or..
Java rectangle collision detection confusion int width height private int frameCount 0 private int fps 0 public static AtomicBoolean running new AtomicBoolean false.. System.out.println NEW SECOND thisSecond frameCount fps frameCount frameCount 0 lastSecondTime thisSecond Yield.. e.getY null g2d.setColor Color.BLACK g2d.drawString FPS fps 5 10 frameCount private final static RenderingHints textRenderHints..
Threads with Key Bindings AtomicBoolean false private int width height frameCount 0 fps 0 private ArrayList Entity entities new ArrayList private final.. System.out.println NEW SECOND thisSecond frameCount fps frameCount frameCount 0 lastSecondTime thisSecond Yield.. Thread.sleep 1 catch Exception e now System.nanoTime fps 0 no more running set fps to 0 private void drawGame Both revalidate..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics calls update graphics when it's finished and a little fps like text to show really how fast things are drawn. Image example..
How do i align this text correctly? appletGraphics getGraphics Some variables to use for the fps. long fpstn 1000000000 600 int tick 0 fps 0 acc 0 long lastTime.. getGraphics Some variables to use for the fps. long fpstn 1000000000 600 int tick 0 fps 0 acc 0 long lastTime System.nanoTime.. to use for the fps. long fpstn 1000000000 600 int tick 0 fps 0 acc 0 long lastTime System.nanoTime Vars Calendar c size 500..
Java rectangle collision detection confusion System.nanoTime If we are able to get as high as this FPS don't render again. final double TARGET_FPS 60 final double.. high as this FPS don't render again. final double TARGET_FPS 60 final double TARGET_TIME_BETWEEN_RENDERS 1000000000 TARGET_FPS.. final double TARGET_TIME_BETWEEN_RENDERS 1000000000 TARGET_FPS Simple way of finding FPS. int lastSecondTime int lastUpdateTime..
Threads with Key Bindings System.nanoTime If we are able to get as high as this FPS don't render again. final double TARGET_FPS 60 final double.. high as this FPS don't render again. final double TARGET_FPS 60 final double TARGET_TIME_BETWEEN_RENDERS 1000000000 TARGET_FPS.. final double TARGET_TIME_BETWEEN_RENDERS 1000000000 TARGET_FPS Simple way of finding FPS. int lastSecondTime int lastUpdateTime..
Java 2D game graphics use images. With around 1500 of them I'm still above 200 FPS at 480x480. And with just 100 images I'm hitting 6k FPS when.. FPS at 480x480. And with just 100 images I'm hitting 6k FPS when disabling the frame limiting. A small game this one has.. 0 0 null bg.dispose while updateScreen Better do some FPS limiting here long renderTime System.nanoTime renderStart 1000000..
Java2D Performance Issues Image 2 A .png format Without Dsun.java2d.opengl true 120 FPS using .BMP image 1 13 FPS using .PNG image 2 With Dsun.java2d.opengl.. Dsun.java2d.opengl true 120 FPS using .BMP image 1 13 FPS using .PNG image 2 With Dsun.java2d.opengl true 12 FPS using.. 13 FPS using .PNG image 2 With Dsun.java2d.opengl true 12 FPS using .BMP image 1 700 FPS using .PNG image 2 Without acceleration..
Which real-time (RTSJ) JVM is most preferred? is at times extraordinary support from the vendors. AN FPS 85 radar uses JavaRTS and though this is a relatively low count..
How do i align this text correctly? scale int size scale g.setColor Color.WHITE g.drawString FPS String.valueOf fps 20 30 Draw the entire results on the screen...