java Programming Glossary: frame's
Java Container remove method not working correctly as necessary there's no a priori way to know about the frame's internal use of component indices. Instead add on your own JComponent..
Graphics rendering in title bar The problem is you're not taking into consideration the frame's border and possibly the menu bar as well when setting the size..
How can I set in the midst? is painted in the center of frame but the because of the frame's decorations it looks like it's slightly high... Instead you.. slightly high... Instead you should be painting onto the frame's content area instead. Here the rectangle now looks correctly.. I set the first frame bad to 800x400 I made the second frame's content pane's preferred size 800x400 which made the frame size..
Prevent JFreeChart DialPlot wrapping around with large values? redLine maximumValue Setting the frame's preferred size is problematic . Instead override the getPreferredSize..
Occasional InterruptedException when quitting a Swing application quits I added a mechanism so that it executes the main frame's dispose method before calling System.exit 0 . So it should be..
How to generate exceptions from RepaintManager of the following Exception mostly for each phase of the frame's UI delegate initialization. I used CheckThreadViolationRepaintManager..
how to use a swing timer to start/stop animation starting and stoping animation Add the following code to frame's constructor. timer new Timer 100 new ActionListener @Override..
How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work? title more closely you may also want to limit the internal frame's maximum size internalFrame.setMaximumSize new Dimension fooLabel.getPreferredSize..