java Programming Glossary: clear
Swing animation running extremely slow 10 cars moving it just ends up moving very little. Just to clear up at the moment in the Model class there's an ArrayList of..
In Java, what's the difference between public, default, protected, and private? between public default protected and private Are there clear rules on when to use each of these when making classes and interfaces..
Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component Addendum Note how this example composites opaque text on a clear offscreen background over the translucent frame background...
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android So how much memory a processes uses is really not clear. Add on top of that paging out to disk let alone swap which.. swap which we don't use on Android and it is even less clear. Thus if you were to take all of the physical RAM actually mapped..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? Unfortunately the servlet threw an exception without a clear message and cause. Here is the stacktrace SEVERE Servlet.service..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? to avoid this code snippet Update Pan I was not clear with my question. I want to address the necessity to test every..
Why does Java's hashCode() in String use 31 as a multiplier? to shifting. The advantage of using a prime is less clear but it is traditional. A nice property of 31 is that the multiplication..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? using jQuery . Summary The pros and cons of each should be clear enough now. If you just want to use the standard JAXP API to..
Switch Statement with Strings in Java SE 7 at least 16 years after they were first requested. A clear reason for the delay was not provided but it likely had to do..
JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared is not properly cleared I am doing this assignment make a program that solves sudoku... an invalid value by the rules of sudoku the text box is cleared. But then when I tab forward the previous valid value is displayed.. that contains all the numbers that has been inputed do clear the value like it should so it is only in the corresponding..
Prevent user from going back to the previous secured page after logout
When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components? existing templates. Is there anything besides syntax and clear interface specification in case of composite components Could..
Scanner issue when using nextLine after nextXXX you have to add the input.nextLine . Hope this should be clear now. Try it like that System.out.print Insert a number int number..
How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable? it's not immediately for me the dumbest user on earth clear that the header cell has the function of a toggle button. Accidentally.. column So even if interaction analysis comes out with a clear we do need want it action only in addition to the content use.. action only in addition to the content use a widget that's clearer f.i. a tri state checkbox all de selected mixed content ...
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? implementing a custom LayoutManager I hope to have been clear. Thank you in advance. java swing layout manager share improve..
Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords? I believe this is implementation specific the GC may clear all memory as it goes to avoid this sort of thing. Even if it..
Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? everyone. On question 3 people felt the syntax should be clear though I'd recommend an occasional comment especially if your..
How to Clear Console in Java? to Clear Console in Java I have been pulling my hair for this since..
JButton, JCheckBox and similar interactors do not change visually fillCheckBox.setSelected true add fillCheckBox SOUTH Clears the screen with a button add new JButton Clear SOUTH addActionListeners.. SOUTH Clears the screen with a button add new JButton Clear SOUTH addActionListeners Called whenever the user clicks the.. ActionEvent e if e.getActionCommand .equals Clear removeAll Private constants private static final double STAR_SIZE..
Graphics rendering in title bar new button_go_Click listener 1 btn2 new JButton Clear btn2.setPreferredSize new Dimension 100 30 btn2.addActionListener..
Issues receving in RXTX state of the serial control lines RTS Request To Send CTS Clear To Send DTR Data Terminal Ready java serial port rxtx share..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? Prefs on each request of device registration 2. Clear this id from app prefs on each request of device un registration..
Java: Clear the console Clear the console Can any body please tell me what code is used for..
Multiple row selection in JTable JLabel Selection this.add new JButton new SelectionAction Clear false this.add new JButton new SelectionAction Check true ..
Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows new ImageOpenAction Open private Action clearAction new ClearAction Clear private JPopupMenu popup new JPopupMenu private.. Open private Action clearAction new ClearAction Clear private JPopupMenu popup new JPopupMenu private BufferedImage.. g g.drawImage image 0 0 null private class ClearAction extends AbstractAction public ClearAction String name..
Playing MP3 using Java Sound API if parent null JOptionPane.showMessageDialog parent Clear the sound lines to proceed No audio lines available JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE..
How to draw lines in Java new JButton New Line JButton clearButton new JButton Clear buttonsPanel.add newLineButton buttonsPanel.add clearButton..
Painting in a BufferedImage inside Swing .addComponent jRadioButton8 jButton1.setText Clear jButton1.addActionListener new java.awt.event.ActionListener.. .addComponent jRadioButton8 jButton1.setText Clear jButton1.addActionListener new ActionListener public void actionPerformed..
Convert a Graphics2D to an Image or BufferedImage JButton clearImageBtn new JButton Clear Image clearImageBtn.addActionListener new ActionListener @Override..
Applet not appearing full this JButton clearButton new JButton Clear clearButton.setActionCommand CLEAR_COMMAND clearButton.addActionListener.. TEST_COMMAND JButton clearButton new JButton Clear clearButton.setActionCommand CLEAR_COMMAND JPanel panel new..
How do you play a long AudioClip? if parent null JOptionPane.showMessageDialog parent Clear the sound lines to proceed No audio lines available JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE..