

java Programming Glossary: clickhandler

Add listener to SpanElement


a label widget wrapping your span Label.wrap span .addClickHandler new ClickHandler @Override public void onClick ClickEvent event.. wrapping your span Label.wrap span .addClickHandler new ClickHandler @Override public void onClick ClickEvent event do your on click..

Basic File upload in GWT


upload holder.add fu holder.add new Button Submit new ClickHandler public void onClick ClickEvent event GWT.log You selected fu.getFilename..

Google AppEngine Session Example


new Button Login public Widget getLoginWidget loginBtn.addClickHandler new ClickHandler public void onClick ClickEvent arg0 loginService.authenticateUser.. public Widget getLoginWidget loginBtn.addClickHandler new ClickHandler public void onClick ClickEvent arg0 loginService.authenticateUser..

Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class?


as private member private void f Button b final int a b.addClickHandler new ClickHandler @Override public void onClick ClickEvent event.. private void f Button b final int a b.addClickHandler new ClickHandler @Override public void onClick ClickEvent event int b a 5 .. it clicked I mean private void f Button b final int a b.addClickHandler new ClickHandler @Override public void onClick ClickEvent event..

Adding clickHandler to row in CellTable in GWT?


Click me table.setSize 600px 600px table.addDomHandler new ClickHandler @Override public void onClick ClickEvent event Window.alert..

exception in GWT RPC app


import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyPressEvent.. mainpanel.add addpanel1 addpanel1.add ans ans.addClickHandler new ClickHandler @Override public void onClick ClickEvent event.. addpanel1 addpanel1.add ans ans.addClickHandler new ClickHandler @Override public void onClick ClickEvent event addStock ..

GWT with JDO problem


import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback.. getBtnSave Button btnSave new Button SAVE btnSave.addClickHandler new ClickHandler public void onClick ClickEvent event saveData2DB.. Button btnSave new Button SAVE btnSave.addClickHandler new ClickHandler public void onClick ClickEvent event saveData2DB nameTxt.getText..