java Programming Glossary: classloaders
What does OSGi solve? versioned plug ins. Because of the versioning and isolated classloaders different versions of the same artifact can be loaded at the..
Reading my own Jar's Manifest an instance of . Majority of Sun classloaders are including AppletClassLoader . You can then cast it and call..
Unloading classes in java? delegates the actual loading of classes to specific Jar classloaders. That way you can point to different versions of the jar file.. defineClass method would iterate through all the internal classloaders until a definition can be found or a NoClassDefFoundException..
Singleton class with several different classloaders class with several different classloaders E.g I have class Singleton with static field instance public.. no matter I can load this class twice with two different classloaders. How could I avoid it It is unsafe and dangerous. Also if I.. this question If you want a true Singleton across classloaders then you need a common parent to load the class in question..
Where to put a shared library in JBoss AS 5? For instance . the same class can be loaded by different classloaders so there will be multiple instances of these static values...
getResourceAsStream() vs FileInputStream or any other application which uses multiple classloaders it's recommend to use the ClassLoader as returned by Thread.currentThread..
Loading resources using getClass().getResource() as argument. Classloaders Be careful if your app has many classloaders. If you have a simple standalone application no servers or complex..
How do you change the CLASSPATH within Java? a URLClassLoader with a url that are not in the parent classloaders url's. URL url new URL file foo URLClassLoader loader new URLClassLoader..
How to read properties file in web application? but not always in environments with a complex hierarchy of classloaders like webapps. The WEB INF folder is not in the root of the classpath...
Does Java guarantee that Object.getClass() == Object.getClass()? definition is deemed different when loaded by two distinct classloaders. See this earlier answer of mine for a demonstration of this...
static allocation in java - heap, stack and permanent generation that my question is Sun specific. Classes loaded by the classloaders go in a special area on heap Permanent Generation All the information.. technique. Having said that ... 1 Classes loaded by the classloaders go in a special area on heap Permanent Generation. AFAIK yes...
Java, Classpath, Classloading => Multiple Versions of the same jar/project them loaded and all their dependencies by two different classloaders overriding default behaviour. A rough example ClassLoader loaderA..
Can a Java class add a method to itself at runtime? The only trick that comes to my mind is playing with classloaders. If we delete a custom classloader then the classes loaded by..
javax vs java package believe there are restrictions on the java package I think classloaders are set up to only allow classes within java. to be loaded from..
Websphere all logs are going to SystemOut.log own provided copy. If they're loaded by different classloaders they can't properly see each other. share improve this answer..