java Programming Glossary: classpathxmlapplicationcontext
Make splash screen with progress bar like Eclipse void main String args ApplicationContext context new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext classpath META INF spring applicationContext.xml splash with.. execute new SplashScreen ApplicationContext context new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext classpath META INF spring applicationContext.xml UserDao userDao..
Set System Property With Spring Configuration File test method public static void main final String args new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext classpath beans.xml System.out.println my.key System.getProperty..
Hibernate Validator, custom ResourceBundleLocator and Spring public static void initialize applicationContext new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext classpath META INF spring webmvc beans.xml Assert.assertNotNull..
Understanding the need for a DI framework name saw ref saw bean plus ApplicationContext context new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext sawmill.xml SawMill springSawMill SawMill context.getBean sawMill..
Springs XmlBeanFactory is deprecated void main String args ApplicationContext context new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext SpringHelloWorld.xml Spring3HelloWorld myBean Spring3HelloWorld..
How do I use a Spring bean inside an OSGi bundle? at all. The one issue here is that you have to extend ClassPathXmlApplicationContext to provide the bundles classloader as it will use the thread.. context classloader otherwise. ApplicationContext ctx new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext myCtxPath protected void initBeanDefinitionReader XmlBeanDefinitionReader..
Spring RESTful client: root tag exception do the rest call ApplicationContext applicationContext new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext application context.xml WebscriptCaller.class RestTemplate restTemplate..
Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean? logger.debug Loading Spring Context... ctx new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext path if logger.isDebugEnabled logger.debug Spring Context Loaded..