java Programming Glossary: classifier
Junit4 and TestNG in one project with Maven testng artifactId version 5.8 version scope test scope classifier jdk15 classifier dependency dependencies profile Anybody have.. version 5.8 version scope test scope classifier jdk15 classifier dependency dependencies profile Anybody have any idea why it..
Android Library Gradle release JAR task androidJavadocsJar type Jar classifier 'javadoc' from androidJavadocs.destinationDir task androidSourcesJar.. task androidSourcesJar type Jar classifier 'sources' from android.sourceSets.main.allSource artifacts archives..
Surefire is not picking up Junit 4 tests testng artifactId version 5.8 version scope test scope classifier jdk15 classifier dependency Immediately after I have commented.. version 5.8 version scope test scope classifier jdk15 classifier dependency Immediately after I have commented it out tests started..
Image Classification Algorithms Using Java to try and implement using Java include Minimum distance classifier k nearest neighbour classifier. I was wondering what can be.. include Minimum distance classifier k nearest neighbour classifier. I was wondering what can be used to accomplish my task that..
using IVY dependencies manager programmatically module revision module revision classifier Ivy ivy Ivy.newInstance settings ivy.getLoggerEngine .pushLogger..
Convert ivy.xml to pom.xml artifactId version 0.9.0 local 20120211095554 version classifier sources classifier dependency Modifications to your ANT build.. 0.9.0 local 20120211095554 version classifier sources classifier dependency Modifications to your ANT build ivy.xml Main changes.. analytics type pom artifact name og analytics type jar e classifier sources publications dependencies dependency name og util rev..