

java Programming Glossary: classreader

Find out which classes of a given API are used


byte bytecode Set String classNames new HashSet String ClassReader classReader new ClassReader bytecode ClassWriter classWriter.. classNames new HashSet String ClassReader classReader new ClassReader bytecode ClassWriter classWriter new ClassWriter classReader.. classes that will be retrieved throws IOException final ClassReader reader new ClassReader name final Set Class classes new TreeSet..

How to emit and execute Java bytecode at runtime?


you could use the ASMifier included with ASM like this ClassReader cr new ClassReader new FileInputStream HelloWorld.class cr.accept.. ASMifier included with ASM like this ClassReader cr new ClassReader new FileInputStream HelloWorld.class cr.accept new ASMifierClassVisitor..

Get callers method (java.lang.reflect.Method)


the class file containing for the calling class try ClassReader classReader new ClassReader classFileStream classReader.accept.. for the calling class try ClassReader classReader new ClassReader classFileStream classReader.accept new EmptyVisitor @Override..

Getting the name of a method parameter


you obtain the names. The default implementation uses asm ClassReader to do so. With javac you should include the g argument to include..

How can I find all the methods that call a given method in Java?


new BufferedInputStream jarFile.getInputStream entry 1024 ClassReader reader new ClassReader stream reader.accept cv 0 stream.close.. jarFile.getInputStream entry 1024 ClassReader reader new ClassReader stream reader.accept cv 0 stream.close public static void..