java Programming Glossary: cleanly
Do I have to worry about InterruptedExceptions if I don't interrupt anything myself? pingRemoteServer Useful resources Shutting down threads cleanly Java Specialists Dealing with InterruptedException Brian Goetz..
Java socket swingWorker running but no message received or transmitted have some kind of connection manager that would be able to cleanly close the output and input threads so that for example when..
How to stop threads in Java? delay termination. That allows all threads to terminate cleanly releasing resources appropriately. Other options such as interrupt..
Java - regular expression finding comments in code that problem would be very difficult given the need to cleanly handle int some comment foo 5 A simple Matcher.find appendReplacement..
Dynamically find the class that represents a primitive Java type It seems clear that there is no built in way to cleanly do what I want so I will settle for reusing the ClassUtils class..
Why can outer Java classes access inner class private members? improve this question The inner class is just a way to cleanly separate some functionality that really belongs to the original..
How to stop java process gracefully? but rather rely on your shutdown hooks to stop things cleanly. And as always be careful of deadlocks I've seen far too many..
How to gracefully handle the SIGKILL signal in Java may abort that is stop running without shutting down cleanly. This occurs when the virtual machine is terminated externally..
Catching java.lang.OutOfMemoryError? an OutOfMemoryError and that is to close down gracefully cleanly releasing resources and logging the reason for the failure best..
What does java.lang.Thread.interrupt() do? a thread. It is used to give threads a chance to exit cleanly as opposed to Thread.stop that is more like shooting the thread..
why is sax parsing faster than dom parsing ? and how does stax work? the XML DOM is the standard representation. It integrates cleanly with XSLT transforms javax.xml.transform XPath javax.xml.xpath..
Wicket or Playframework? by standard inheritance and composition and markup is very cleanly separated from code and easily modified. Wicket can manage event..
Casting variables in Java for ClassCastExceptions in fact if you use generics cleanly and it compiles with no warnings you have a guarantee that you'll..
What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why? of Java's access modifiers. This allows you to much more cleanly define interfaces into subsystems rather than into layers of..
How to Daemonize a Java Program? logged out. I also want to be able to stop the program cleanly. I found this article which uses a combination of shell scripting..
Why catch Exceptions in Java, when you can catch Throwables? an Error will be thrown in cases where the JVM can cleanly recover from the cause of the error. For example if an OutOfMemoryError..
Properly closing SSLSocket as it would for normal TCP sockets but it does it cleanly according to the SSL TLS specification. EDIT Additional explanations..
What makes hot deployment a “hard problem”? will help only if your web app shuts down completely and cleanly leaving no live references to any of the Class instances of..
Disable Java reflection for the current thread . I was thinking I can do that second step more cleanly using a SecurityManager learning about SecurityManager which..