java Programming Glossary: clickable
Unable to create Android Virtual Device Virtual Device Hi for some reason the OK button is not clickable when I try to create an AVD. Does anyone know what I'm doing..
Android ListView headers match_parent android layout_margin 5dip android clickable false android gravity center android longClickable false android.. match_parent android layout_margin 5dip android clickable false android gravity center android linksClickable false android.. match_parent android layout_margin 5dip android clickable false android gravity center android longClickable false android..
Android Row becomes Unclickable with Button Row becomes Unclickable with Button I have a listView where each row has a button in.. row layout. However this seems to make the row itself unclickable. How can I make both the button and row clickable Thanks. java.. itself unclickable. How can I make both the button and row clickable Thanks. java android share improve this question You need..
ListView OnItemClickListener Not Responding? heads or tails of it. I just need a way to get the rows clickable so that I can detect when a row is pressed. Long press and focus.. true and then in your Adapter 's getView this will yield a clickable row. The button is assumed to be in the inflated xml. @Override..
Change font size in ListView - Android/Eclipse fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android clickable true android dividerHeight 1px android layout_marginTop 5px..
Clickable widgets in android context 0 intent 0 Set the onClickPendingIntent for the clickable view in your widget remoteView.setOnClickPendingIntent
Wicket or Playframework? no matter how complex your page is. A quick example for a clickable button that goes a away when it's clicked very useful In a page..
What is a good use case for static import of methods? its definition the web based review system does not have clickable links like IDE I don't really think this matters static imports..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour MyViewHolder title content icon We make the views become clickable so it is not necessary to use the android clickable attribute.. become clickable so it is not necessary to use the android clickable attribute in XML v.setOnClickListener new ChannelListAdapter.OnClickListener..
Android - Set drawable size programatically button.setOnClickListener listener set clickable id of button to actual event id int id Integer.parseInt apiEventObject.getId..
How to send email with link to open Android application the android email clients that they don't show links as clickable unless they are http or https. My solution was to use a http..
Creating custom JButton from images containing transparent pixels image. I'd like to improve it though by making its shape clickable area the same as the visible pixels on the image right now if..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? layout_height match_parent android enabled true android clickable true RelativeLayout As for the actual map tiles there is a..
Android: Simple GridView that displays text in the grids and there's no error message. there are some selectable clickable invisible blocks if i click them but the text is obvious not..