java Programming Glossary: check
CSV API for Java [closed] which looks promising. I just wanted to check what others are using before I couple myself to this API. java..
Why JSF calls getters multiple times this is a known issue. One workaround was to include a check and see if it had already been calculated private String someProperty..
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance code the clone by hand properties after properties and check that mutable instances are cloned too. pro control of what will..
What is a Null Pointer Exception? The best way to avoid this type of exception is to always check for null when you did not create the object yourself. So doSomething..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? contracts they are participating in and defensively overcheck for nulls. Additionally when writing their own code they tend.. nulls to indicate something thus requiring the caller to check for nulls. To put this another way there are two instances where.. To put this another way there are two instances where null checking comes up Where null is a valid response in terms of the contract..
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? String you could perhaps still use a raw type and manually check every add yourself and then manually cast to String every item.. Loosely speaking the former has opted out generic type checking while the latter explicitly told the compiler that it is..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog First let's see a utility method @param context used to check the device version and DownloadManager information @return true.. want your app to be robust. Here is a brief list You must check whether user has an internet connection available Make sure.. also ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE if you want to check internet availability. Make sure the directory were you are..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC 0 isRowFull true pinsRepaint false pinsToRepaint 0 void check int junkPins new int LINE junkCode new int LINE int pinCount.. public class View extends Frame Model model JButton checkAnswer private JPanel button private static final Color COLORS.. new Dimension 400 100 button.setVisible true checkAnswer new JButton Check checkAnswer.setSize new Dimension 200..
How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading as long as the cookie is valid. Using a HTTP header checker tool like Firebug you can check them. The servletcontainer.. Using a HTTP header checker tool like Firebug you can check them. The servletcontainer will determine every incoming HTTP..
Java Timer vs ExecutorService? is the benefit of one using over another Also wanted to check if anyone had used the Timer class and ran into any issues which..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser your current state and a lot of switch case statemenets to check where you are or a more elegant solution would be some kind..
How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable? but it may be convenient to select all or none of the check boxes too. These recent examples mentioned using JCheckBox in.. the content use a widget that's clearer f.i. a tri state checkbox all de selected mixed content . Also de selecting must both.. both be possible from mixed content. On second thought a checkbox probably isn't the best choice either didn't dig further..
Java String.equals versus == [duplicate] function to compare strings not the operator. The function checks the actual contents of the string the operator checks whether.. checks the actual contents of the string the operator checks whether the references to the objects are equal. Note that.. guaranteed non null in your code although you should still check that you've actually got some tokens in the datos array otherwise..
Java 256-bit AES Password-Based Encryption Systems can easily have multiple Java runtimes double check to make sure that the correct location is being used. share..
bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android To check the orientation of your device please see this Check orientation on Android phone In your case you need to clear..
How do I calculate someone's age in Java? yet . java date calendar share improve this question Check out Joda which simplifies date time calculations Joda is also..
Getting NoClassDefFoundError when using common.lang.StringUtils in android java code? And GoTo project properties Java build path order tab. Check whether your .jar file checked and placed in order of 1st. This..
Error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded objects in an already very memory constrained environment. Check out this article for details specifically this part . share..
Threads with Key Bindings maskPlayer2 getMask b maskPlayer1.retainAll maskPlayer2 Check to see if any pixels in maskPlayer2 are the same as those in..
Instance variable initialization in java as well put in the constructor s by the compiler a new A Check Sun's explanation and advice From this tutorial Field declarations..
Check orientation on Android phone orientation on Android phone How can I check if the Android..
Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer if n 0 n 2 0 n 7 5 n 11 8 return false if n 0 return true Check mod 255 3 5 17 for fun long y n y y 0xffffffffL y 32 y y 0xffffL.. x 0 x&2 x & 7 5 x & 11 8 return false if x 0 return true Check mod 255 3 5 17 for fun int64 y x y y & 4294967295LL y 32 y y..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC in a single file working fine maybe apart of the fact that Check button is invisible at start . http show 226726.. 400 100 button.setVisible true checkAnswer new JButton Check checkAnswer.setSize new Dimension 200 30 button.add checkAnswer..
Is there a good command line argument parser for Java? [closed] line command line arguments share improve this question Check these out http cli http
Why Java needs Serializable interface? all classes serializable would exacerbate these problems. Check out Effective Java Second Edition in particular Item 74 Implement..
Multiple row selection in JTable @see http questions 4526779 public class CheckABunch extends JPanel private static final int CHECK_COL 1 private.. Boolean.FALSE private static final String COLUMNS Number CheckBox private DataModel dataModel new DataModel DATA COLUMNS private.. private DefaultListSelectionModel selectionModel public CheckABunch super new BorderLayout this.add new JScrollPane table..
Are static fields open for garbage collection? for loading this class is itself collected for garbage. Check out the JLS Section 12.7 Unloading of Classes and Interfaces..
How to monitor the computer's cpu, memory, and disk usage in Java? with a GPL2 license it now has an Apache 2.0 license . Check it out. I have a feeling it will meet your needs. Using Java..
Generate/get xpath from XML node java . I'd like to go trough xml document all of its nodes Check the node for attribute existence Case if node doesn't have attribute..
What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)? of your application and trust XOM to get the XML right. Check out web page http for FAQ Cookbook design rationale..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] mIOException throw new Error ErrorCopyingDataBase Check that the database exists here data data your package databases..
How to download and save a file from Internet using Java? into the filesystem cache without actually copying them. Check more about it here . Note The third parameter in transferFrom..