java Programming Glossary: checking
Standard concise way to copy a file in Java? So if you're looking for performance it might be worth checking that you are using a recent version of FileUtils. share improve..
Convert a string representation of a hex dump to a byte array using Java? objects for every single byte. Feel free to add argument checking via assert or exceptions if the argument is not known to be..
When comparing two Integers in Java does auto-unboxing occur? greater than Integer a 4 Integer b 5 if a b Will result in checking to see if they are the same object or will it auto unbox in.. Integer so it will have to do execution time type checking whereas the first uses the fact that we already know that both..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android a class that I could clearly see was included in the jar checking out the ReferencedLibraries classes . The solution was to remove..
Java HTML Parsing [closed] specific CSS class Currently for testing purposes I'm just checking for div class classname in each line of HTML This works but..
What is null in Java? that all use of references should be absolutely safe with checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn't resist..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? To put this another way there are two instances where null checking comes up Where null is a valid response in terms of the contract.. null if there's no appropriate action. That leads the null checking you're talking about. An alternative solution is to never return..
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? Loosely speaking the former has opted out generic type checking while the latter explicitly told the compiler that it is capable..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? request less or more regardless of the requested page e.g. checking if an user is logged in then implement a filter and write code..
What is the point of the diamond operator in Java 7? legal since you used the raw type and lost all type checking List Integer integers new LinkedList strings Generics exist.. declare a raw type you get none of the benefits and type checking of generics. You also have to keep in mind that generics are..
Prevent user from going back to the previous secured page after logout you can do this job in the same Filter as where you're checking the presence of the logged in user. Don't forget to clear browser..
How can an app use files inside the JAR for read and write? One common place is a sub directory of user.home . When checking for the file first check the existence of an altered file on..
How to: generic array creation a E get int i return a i unchecked weak typing . No type checking is actually done on any of the objects passed as argument. in..
How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java Android in Java I have created the following function for checking the connection status private void checkConnectionStatus HttpClient..
How to get X and Y index of element inside GridLayout? array of buttons b which is associated to the layout and checking if b i j buttonReference . @Override public void actionPerformed..
How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection? I can create a TrustManager instance that does some custom checking. It looks like I might even be able to create a TrustManager..
Checking for null - what order? for null what order When checking for nulls I use String str..
Check for JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy files [duplicate] duplicate This question already has an answer here Checking if Unlimited Cryptography is available 3 answers I am usure..
Instructions reordering in Java JVM h hash h hash h write to hash return hash return R3 Edit Checking the comments again I found this answered by the author Reordered..
Determine if array contains two elements which equal a certain sum? not there exist two elements in set s whose sum is exactly Checking if 2 numbers of array add up to i Find pair of numbers in array..
NetWork On main thread Exception ConnectionDetector Context context this._context context Checking for all possible internet providers public boolean isConnectingToInternet..
Check for Active internet connection Android new DefaultHttpClient httpParameters try Log.d TAG Checking network connection... httpClient.execute httpGet Log.d TAG Connection..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? extends TimerTask public void run System.out.println Checking a a SomeClass.getSomeStaticValue if a Pause stop timer1 start.. extends TimerTask public void run System.out.println Checking a a SomeClass.getSomeStaticValue if a Pause stop timer2 back..
Checking if an int is prime more efficiently if an int is prime more efficiently I recently was part of..
“Android Create” call fails in windows 7 - missing JDK target 2 name my_avd WARNING Java not found in your path. Checking it it's installed in C Program Files Java instead. ERROR No..
gwt - Using List<Serializable> in a RPC call? ... Verifying instantiability Checking all subtypes of Object wich qualify for serialization It seems..
What is the use of creating a class inside interface and interface inside class the possibility to shorten a common programming fragment Checking if an object is an instance of an interface and if so calling..
Remove Top-Level Container on Runtime output run Trying to Remove JDialog Remove Cycle Done Checking if still exists any of TopLayoutContainers JFrame JDialog Will.. CycleNo. 1 Trying to Remove JDialog Remove Cycle Done Checking if still exists any of TopLayoutContainers JFrame JDialog Will.. CycleNo. 2 Trying to Remove JDialog Remove Cycle Done Checking if still exists any of TopLayoutContainers JFrame JDialog Will..
Force users to have latest android app version with the current app version That's what I would do Checking latest version on your server in a text file HttpClient client..
Checking if a ClientSocket has disconnected in java hangs if a ClientSocket has disconnected in java hangs This is a..
Checking if Unlimited Cryptography is available if Unlimited Cryptography is available How can I check in Java..