java Programming Glossary: characters
How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps? FAQ of this site encourages it. This works for me Mostly characters äåö are not a problematic as the default character set used.. webapps is latin1 ie. ISO 8859 1 which understands those characters. To get UTF 8 working under Java Tomcat Linux Windows Mysql.. meta tags JSP page encoding tells the JVM to handle the characters in the JSP page in the correct encoding. Then it's time to tell..
How to create a Java String from the contents of a file? short time the raw file contents a byte array the decoded characters a character buffer and a copy of the character data in the new..
What is the purpose of the expression “new String(…)” in Java? String object so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the argument in other words the newly created string is a..
How to generate a random alpha-numeric string strings. You can tweak the symbols if you want to use more characters. public class RandomString private static final char symbols..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser channel channel.setItems items public void characters char ch int start int length throws SAXException content.append..
HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java single argument constructor of URI does NOT escape illegal characters EDIT added fully qualified class name to avoid confusion with.. URI classes like apaches httpclient EDIT 2 Only illegal characters get escaped by above code it does NOT escape non ASCII characters.. get escaped by above code it does NOT escape non ASCII characters see fatih's comment . The toASCIIString method can be used to..
Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords?
Limit the Characters in the text field using document listner the Characters in the text field using document listner How to limit the number.. class SizeFilter extends DocumentFilter private int maxCharacters public SizeFilter int maxChars maxCharacters maxChars public.. int maxCharacters public SizeFilter int maxChars maxCharacters maxChars public void insertString FilterBypass fb int offs String..
Reading a text file in Java s Tutorial Numbers and Strings Strings Manipulating Characters in a String You can use an enhanced for loop to iterate over..
method matches not work well a.b . regular Character Class and Literal Characters and Metacharacters Related problems Java does not have regex..
Parsing PDF files (especially with tables) with PDFBox of which PDF library you use you will need to do this. Characters and graphics are drawn by a series of stateful drawing operations..
How to convert UTF8 to Unicode question new String bytes UTF 8 The input are Chinese Characters and when I compare the hex code of each caracter it is the same..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser Document Start Document End Element Start Element End Characters between Element Start and Element End An example handler implementation..
Java Regexp to Match ASCII Characters Regexp to Match ASCII Characters What regex would match any ASCII character in java I've already..
Regular Expression to match 3 or more Consecutive Sequential Characters and Consecutive Identical Characters Expression to match 3 or more Consecutive Sequential Characters and Consecutive Identical Characters I need regular expressions.. Sequential Characters and Consecutive Identical Characters I need regular expressions to match the below cases. 3 or more..