java Programming Glossary: chessboard
AffineTransform.rotate() - how do I xlate, rotate, and scale at the same time? code which does the first part of what I want drawing a chessboard with some pieces on it. Image pieceImage getImage currentPiece.. the image is nicely rotated around the 0 0 point of its chessboard square putting the piece upside down in the square to the northeast.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE create the chessboard itself and set it in the component SmallChessboard chessboard..
How to work with a specific element in GridLayout? contains 64 bricks which is intended to work as a chessboard. My gridcode looks like this ChessBoard public class SjakkBrett..
How to work with a specific element in GridLayout? to work as a chessboard. My gridcode looks like this ChessBoard public class SjakkBrett extends JFrame implements Config public.. class SjakkBrett extends JFrame implements Config public ChessBoard setSize 800 800 setLayout new GridLayout BRICKS ROWS 0 for int.. question List Brick bricks new ArrayList Brick public ChessBoard setSize 800 800 setLayout new GridLayout BRICKS ROWS 0 for int..
'Fill' Unicode characters in labels import javax.swing. import java.util.Random class ChessBoard static Font font new Font Sans Serif Font.PLAIN 50 static Random.. import javax.swing. import java.util. class ChessBoard static Font font new Font Sans Serif Font.PLAIN 50 static Random.. import java.util. import java.util.logging. class ChessBoard Unicodes for chess pieces. static final String pieces u2654..
Classpath resource within jar
How do I make my custom Swing component visible? import java.util. import javax.swing. public class ChessBoard extends JFrame implements MouseListener MouseMotionListener.. JLabel chessPiece int xAdjustment int yAdjustment public ChessBoard Dimension boardSize new Dimension 600 600 Use a Layered Pane.. e public static void main String args JFrame frame new ChessBoard frame.setDefaultCloseOperation DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE frame.setResizable..