java Programming Glossary: checkstyle
semicolon at end of if statement check tools used for static code analysis such as Findbugs Checkstyle Pmd They can instantly highlight problems such as this one...
Checkstyle vs. PMD vs. PMD We are introducing static analysis tools into the build.. build system for our Java product. We are using Maven2 so Checkstyle and PMD integration come for free. However it looks like there.. it reports are worth addressing to some extent. As for Checkstyle vs. PMD I would not use Checkstyle since it is pretty much only..
Is it bad to explicitly compare against boolean constants e.g. if (b == false) in Java? explicitly in the Sun Coding Conventions but at least Checkstyle has a SimplifyBooleanExpression module which would warn about..
What code analysis tools do you use for your Java projects? [closed] For static analysis tools I often use CPD PMD FindBugs and Checkstyle . CPD is the PMD Copy Paste Detector tool. I was using PMD for.. designer tool that allows you to create new rules. Also Checkstyle has the DescendantToken check that has properties that allow.. For example project src com example 425 9 warning Checkstyle Missing a Javadoc comment. My warning format transformations..
Checkstyle “Method Not Designed For Extension” error being incorrectly issued? &ldquo Method Not Designed For Extension&rdquo error being incorrectly.. Extension&rdquo error being incorrectly issued I'm using Checkstyle and am getting an error about this method public final String.. not compliant Is there something I'm doing wrong that Checkstyle would bark at me about this method java checkstyle share..
Why is exception.printStackTrace() considered bad practice? is bad practice. E.g. from the RegexpSingleline check in Checkstyle This check can be used ... to find common bad practice such..
Keeping i18n resources synced internationalization share improve this question The Checkstyle tool which I typically run as part of every continuous integration.. inconsistent set of properties. When I first started using Checkstyle I indeed found that a few of my properties files were missing..
Static Analysis tool recommendation for Java? [closed] analysis share improve this question FindBugs PMD and Checkstyle are all excellent choices especially if you integrate them into..
Checkstyle vs. PMD architectural rules. java static analysis findbugs checkstyle pmd share improve this question You should definitely use..
how many classes per package? methods per class? lines per method? volumetry. I have a bunch of reports from quality tools checkstyle jdepend cpd pmd ncss that give me more vision about code redondancy..
How to disable a particular checkstyle rule for a particular line of code? to disable a particular checkstyle rule for a particular line of code I have a checkstyle validation.. checkstyle rule for a particular line of code I have a checkstyle validation rule configured in my project that prohibits to define.. this particular rule. Is there a possibility to instruct checkstyle that a certain method should be silently ignored java checkstyle..
Android best practices [closed] this question For Java in general have a look at the checkstyle or PMD rule sets. It should give you a good idea of what works..
Checkstyle “Method Not Designed For Extension” error being incorrectly issued? that Checkstyle would bark at me about this method java checkstyle share improve this question It looks to be caused by the..