java Programming Glossary: cheat
How to avoid type safety warnings with Hibernate HQL results? instead of the result of q.list because that way this cheating method can only be used to cheat with Hibernate and not for.. because that way this cheating method can only be used to cheat with Hibernate and not for cheating any List in general. You.. can only be used to cheat with Hibernate and not for cheating any List in general. You could add similar methods for .iterate..
the images are not loading iOException iOException.printStackTrace This is a little cheat which means you only ever need one fish image Basically it will..
Is there a way to simulate the C++ 'friend' concept in Java? being too purist about OOP. NR pointed out that you could cheat using reflection but even that only works if you aren't using.. If you turn on Java standard security you won't be able to cheat with reflection unless you write security policy to specifically..
@AspectJ pointcut for all methods of a class with specific annotation two and you're done If you're interested I have written a cheat sheet with @AspectJ style here with a corresponding example..
method matches not work well does it end with a match of the pattern String API quick cheat sheet Here's a quick cheat sheet that lists which methods are.. of the pattern String API quick cheat sheet Here's a quick cheat sheet that lists which methods are regex based and which aren't..
How to create a big image file from many tiles in java? of DataBuffer the standard rasters in the JDK cheat by holding a reference to the backing array. There is no array..
CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF I have already been through the OWASP site and their cheat sheets . Do I need to take care of any other potential attack..