java Programming Glossary: charset.forname
How to decrypt an encrypted file in java with openssl with AES? class OpenSSLDecryptor private static final Charset ASCII Charset.forName ASCII private static final int INDEX_KEY 0 private static final..
Applet method calling from Javascript upload functiond3 form.addPart topic new StringBody topic Charset.forName UTF 8 form.addPart action new StringBody action Charset.forName.. UTF 8 form.addPart action new StringBody action Charset.forName UTF 8 form.addPart path new StringBody serverPath Charset.forName.. UTF 8 form.addPart path new StringBody serverPath Charset.forName UTF 8 HttpPost post new HttpPost serverPath .... and this is..
Get list of processes on Windows in a charset-safe way x IBM for String charsetPrefix charsetPrefixes try charset Charset.forName charsetPrefix windowsCodePage break catch Throwable t If no..
Convert escaped Unicode character back to actual character it back in a String variable I found the following code Charset.forName UTF 8 .encode str But this returns a ByteBuffer but I want a..
How to Find Default Charset/Encoding in Java? Charset.isSupported csn return new StreamEncoder out lock Charset.forName csn catch IllegalCharsetNameException x throw new UnsupportedEncodingException.. if Charset.isSupported csn return new CharsetSE out lock Charset.forName csn catch IllegalCharsetNameException x return new ConverterSE..
Who sets response content-type in Spring MVC (@ResponseBody) Arrays.asList new MediaType text html Charset.forName UTF 8 return bean public Object postProcessAfterInitialization..
Do I need to close InputStream after I close the Reader file reader new InputStreamReader inputStream Charset.forName UTF 8 catch Exception exp log.error null exp finally if false..
simplest way to read json from a URL in java rd new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is Charset.forName UTF 8 String jsonText readAll rd JSONObject json new JSONObject..
how can I convert String to SecretKey message final String message new String encodedMessage Charset.forName UTF 8 return message catch InvalidKeyException e throw new..
Java SHA256 outputs different hash to PHP SHA256? md MessageDigest.getInstance SHA 256 md.update s.getBytes Charset.forName UTF 8 byte hashed md.digest String s2 for byte b hashed s2 b..
UTF-8 CJK characters not displaying in Java xyz.sgf InputStreamReader is new InputStreamReader fis Charset.forName UTF 8 BufferedReader br new BufferedReader is Read and display..
Converting a txt File from ANSI to UTF-8 programaticaly this one Reader reader new InputStreamReader inputStream Charset.forName encodingName Exaclty which encoding name you should use depends..
Converting UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 in Java - how to keep it as single byte to convert between encodings Charset utf8charset Charset.forName UTF 8 Charset iso88591charset Charset.forName ISO 8859 1 ByteBuffer.. utf8charset Charset.forName UTF 8 Charset iso88591charset Charset.forName ISO 8859 1 ByteBuffer inputBuffer ByteBuffer.wrap new byte byte..
How To Modify The Raw XML message of an Outbound CXF Request? ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream.write content.getBytes Charset.forName UTF 8 message.setContent OutputStream.class outputStream java..
Convert static windows library to dll class WrapperGenerator public static final Charset charset Charset.forName UTF 8 WrapperGen generator new WrapperGen GUI CODE File origHeader..
exception while Read very large file > 300 MB new FileInputStream fFile .getChannel CharBuffer chrBuff Charset.forName 8859_1 .newDecoder .decode FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY..
Java File IO Compendium main String args File file new File foo.xml Charset utf8 Charset.forName UTF8 try String s readToString file utf8 System.out.println..