java Programming Glossary: cheaper
Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine etc all trasparently to you such events are typically much cheaper with Python runtime environments than with JVMs . The XPath..
How can a string be initialized using “ ”? the call stack which require less storage spaces and are cheaper to manipulate. On the other hand objects are stored in the program..
Deep Copy [] and ArrayList Java Such code is very simple and easy to read so hopefully cheaper to maintain in the long run public class Widget private int..
On using Terracotta as a persistence solution to replace the mid term data usage where it's a far cheaper and easier alternative. However some people are starting to..
JAVA: Concurrency control for access to list in java the best out of the box alternative. An alternative for cheaper adding but costlier reading is just creating a copy of a synchronizedList..
In Java, when should I create a checked exception, and when should it be a runtime exception? [duplicate] Since I still believe that the earlier a bug is caught the cheaper it is to fix it I prefer CheckedExceptions for this reason...
Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side? the appserver enough memory. Or if network bandwidth is cheaper to you just switch state saving to client side. To find the..
Why is creating a Thread said to be expensive? for performance reasons. Green threads are possibly cheaper to create but you pay for it in other areas. I've done a bit..
Reading file from serial port in Java the app and test it using an emulator since it's much cheaper and less error prone. While searching for google you can find..
Java voice recognition be considered. And since this is a home project... the cheaper the better. Edit CMU Sphinx As Amit pointed out CMU Sphinx http..
Why are interface method invocations slower than concrete invocations? is slightly more efficient. So for example it was cheaper to invoke methods on a HashMap map than a Map map even though..
Is there an effective tool to convert C# code to Java code?