java Programming Glossary: cache
Do you ever use the volatile keyword in Java? architecture book like Hennessy Patterson and read about cache coherence and cache consistency. share improve this answer..
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? My first thought was that sorting brings the data into cache but my next thought was how silly that is because the array..
Questions about Java's String pool that is separate from the heap. The string pool is like a cache. If you do this String s abc String p abc then the Java compiler..
Why JSF calls getters multiple times like the rendered attribute. JSF specifically EL won't cache the evaluated result of the EL expression at all as it may return..
What is the memory consumption of an object in Java? call. Then of course the hardware and OS have multilayer caches on chip cache SRAM cache DRAM cache ordinary RAM working set.. course the hardware and OS have multilayer caches on chip cache SRAM cache DRAM cache ordinary RAM working set and backing store.. hardware and OS have multilayer caches on chip cache SRAM cache DRAM cache ordinary RAM working set and backing store on disk...
Weird Integer boxing in Java into indistinguishable objects. The implementation may cache these lazily or eagerly. For other values this formulation disallows.. Less memory limited implementations might for example cache all characters and shorts as well as integers and longs in the..
Change private static final field using Java reflection œlegitimate uses Has examples of messing with Integer 's cache mutating a String etc Caveats Extreme care should be taken whenever..
Prevent user from going back to the previous secured page after logout by the back button is been loaded from the browser cache instead of straight from the server. You just need to instruct.. the server. You just need to instruct the browser to not cache the restricted JSP pages. This way the browser is forced to.. to request the page from the server instead of from the cache and hence all login checks on the server will be executed. You..
Integer wrapper objects share the same instances only within the value 127? into indistinguishable objects. The implementation may cache these lazily or eagerly. For other values this formulation disallows.. Less memory limited implementations might for example cache all char and short values as well as int and long values in..
How to download and save a file from Internet using Java? bytes directly from the source channel into the filesystem cache without actually copying them. Check more about it here . Note..
How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover? Number of cores and or processors 32 bit vs 64 bit CPU CPU Cache line size Size of L1 L2 L3 cache Set associativity of cache..
How is the java memory pool divided? œSurvivor Space Memory Pool œTenured Gen Memory Pool œCode Cache Memory Pool œPerm Gen What is the difference between them java.. is divided into read only and read write areas. Code Cache The HotSpot Java VM also includes a code cache containing memory..
alternative to memcached that can persist to disk IT For our solution we built a interface layer for the Cache system in a way that providers to underlying cache systems can..
Authorization redirect on session expiration does not work on submitting a JSF form, page stays the same q 4194207 157882 response.setHeader Cache Control no cache no store must revalidate HTTP 1.1. response.setHeader..
Java - How to find the redirected url of a url? fields that I got as a response null HTTP 1.1 200 OK Cache control public max age 3600 last modified Sat 17 Apr 2010 13..
Disable caching in JPA (eclipselink) value None I have also tried adding the @Cache annotation to the Entity itself @Cache type CacheType.NONE Cache.. tried adding the @Cache annotation to the Entity itself @Cache type CacheType.NONE Cache nothing expiry 0 alwaysRefresh true.. the @Cache annotation to the Entity itself @Cache type CacheType.NONE Cache nothing expiry 0 alwaysRefresh true Am I misunderstanding..
Prevent user from going back to the previous secured page after logout hsr HttpServletResponse res hsr.setHeader Cache Control no cache no store must revalidate HTTP 1.1. hsr.setHeader.. of interest for example .jsp . filter filter name noCacheFilter filter name filter class com.example.NoCacheFilter filter.. name noCacheFilter filter name filter class com.example.NoCacheFilter filter class filter filter mapping filter name noCacheFilter..
Directory listener in Java Settings Application Data Google Chrome User Data Default Cache f_001ea9 created C Documents and Settings jigar Local Settings.. Settings Application Data Google Chrome User Data Default Cache f_001eae modified C Documents and Settings jigar LOCALS~1 Temp.. Settings Application Data Google Chrome User Data Default Cache modified C Documents and Settings jigar Local Settings Application..
How to clear the Cache in NetBeans to clear the Cache in NetBeans I created a project in Netbeans and I would like.. project in Netbeans and I would like to clear the netbeans Cache. I'm running NetBeans 7.0.1 on a Windows 7 machine. How do I..