java Programming Glossary: calculated
Java Code for calculating Leap Year else println year is not a leap year. Now this is how I calculated the leap year. import acm.program. public class LeapYear extends..
How does the JVM ensure that System.identityHashCode() will never change? If it is a one shot calculation the object's hashCode is calculated once and stashed in the object header or something then does.. in the object header. I believe the value is typically calculated only on first use in order to keep time spent in object allocation..
HashMap implementation in Java. How does the bucket index calculation work? and am stuck at one point. How is the indexFor function calculated static int indexFor int h int length return h length 1 Thanks..
add thumnails to spring layout like a grid? layout size for @param preferred should preferred size be calculated @return the dimension to layout the target container private.. 0 the preferred width of the container has not yet been calculated so lets ask for the maximum. int targetWidth target.getSize..
In Java, why must equals() and hashCode() be consistent? you call put to add an entry the hashCode of the key is calculated and then a mask is taken depending on the size of the buckets...
Joda Time: First day of week?
Why JSF calls getters multiple times was to include a check and see if it had already been calculated private String someProperty public String getSomeProperty if..
How is hashCode() calculated in Java is hashCode calculated in Java What value is hashCode method is returning in java..
On using Terracotta as a persistence solution Terracotta. But when exams complete the resulting score is calculated and stored long term in the database. To do this safely we use..
Why shouldn't I use immutable POJOs instead of JavaBeans? how properties are accessed e.g. moving from stored to calculated values access authorization etc. you want to conform to coding..
Should I initialize variable within constructor or outside constructor [duplicate] value is different in different constructors or even calculated in the constructor you must do it in the constructor. share..
Very Large Numbers in Java Without using java.math.BigInteger given by the radix. sum i 0..n digit i radix^i can be calculated with this loop value 0 for i n .. 0 value value radix digit..
How to calculate the number of rows (and columns in each row) a text takes in a JTextArea? alfred abcdefghijkl nmnoprstuwvxyz ab ncdefg as it is calculated in my case then it will fit perfectly into the textarea. EDIT3.. I quickly hacked at least now the shown characters and calculated are exactly the same. Can someone else please check it out and..
Convert Date/Time for given Timezone - java a Java timestamp as the way the elapse from the epoch is calculated is not always the same dependant on database technologies and..
How returns XxxSize from JComponent(s) added to the JLabel figure added some PreferredSize to the JLabel 3rd. figure calculated PreferredSize from JComponent s added to the JLabel 4th. figure.. works changed JLabel to JPanel now LayoutManager correctly calculated Dimension without using any XxxSize notice sice there is used..
JTable enter key key on the jTextField the last entered amount is getting calculated. I dont know how to solve this problem as I am a beginner in..