java Programming Glossary: c.getstring
How to disable interaction between buttons of the same layout? labelsB new ArrayList MyStruct labelsA.add new MyStruct c.getString 2 1 this tag should be the same to button that matches labelsB.add.. the same to button that matches labelsB.add new MyStruct c.getString 3 1 labelsA.add new MyStruct c.getString 4 2 labelsB.add new.. new MyStruct c.getString 3 1 labelsA.add new MyStruct c.getString 4 2 labelsB.add new MyStruct c.getString 5 2 Collections.shuffle..
Delete SMS in Android 1.5 null while c.moveToNext try Delete the SMS String pid c.getString 0 Get id String uri content sms pid count context.getContentResolver..
How to get contacts in order of their upcoming birthdays? if c null try if c.moveToFirst this.setBirthday c.getString 0 finally c.close return super.load id catch Exception e Log.v.. int i 0 while c.moveToNext i rows result.add new BContact c.getString 0 c.getString 1 c.getString 2 i c.close return result The SELECT.. c.moveToNext i rows result.add new BContact c.getString 0 c.getString 1 c.getString 2 i c.close return result The SELECT is called..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? void bindView View v Context context Cursor c String title c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE String date.. ItemDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE String date c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DATE String imagePath.. ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DATE String imagePath c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_IMG int deletion c.getInt..
Android - Update a contact relation new Relation relation.setBook_id new Integer c.getString 0 .intValue String name_splitted c.getString 1 .split relation.setFirstName.. new Integer c.getString 0 .intValue String name_splitted c.getString 1 .split relation.setFirstName name_splitted 0 if name_splitted.length.. name_splitted 1 ArrayList String numbers getPhoneNumbers c.getString 0 relation.setNumber numbers.size 0 numbers.get 0 relation.setConcept..