java Programming Glossary: c.getname
JCombobox focusLost is not firing-why is that?
Spring MVC type conversion : PropertyEditor or Converter? String getAsText Category c Category this.getValue return c.getName and ... public class MyController @InitBinder public void initBinder..
Filling combobox from database by using hibernate in Java c Customer cb.getSelectedItem System.out.println c.getId c.getName JFrame f new JFrame f.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE..
Ip address to country with database
Inject a EJB into JAX-RS (RESTfull service) t Context ic new InitialContext final Object o ic.lookup c.getName return new Injectable Object public Object getValue return..
Using cookies with Struts 2 and Struts Load from cookie for Cookie c servletRequest.getCookies if c.getName .equals cookieDivision division Integer.parseInt c.getValue..
JSF: Best way to Enum internationalization (i18n) c OrderStatus.values before i18n l.add new SelectItem c c.getName after i18n l.add new SelectItem c FacesUtil.getMessageValue.. i18n l.add new SelectItem c FacesUtil.getMessageValue c.getName return l public class FacesUtil public static String getMessageValue..
Using comparator to make custom sort public int compareTo CarSort c return getName .compareTo c.getName static class ColorComparator implements Comparator CarSort..