

java Programming Glossary: c.getpreferredsize

Drawing JTable rows and columns on a Panel


table value false false 1 column return c.getPreferredSize .width Calculate the width based on the widest cell renderer.. c table.prepareRenderer cellRenderer row column int width c.getPreferredSize .width table.getIntercellSpacing .width return width Update.. table value false false 1 column return c.getPreferredSize .width Calculate the width based on the widest cell renderer..

How can I let JToolBars wrap to the next line (FlowLayout) without them being hidden ty the JPanel below them?


c target.getComponent i if c.isVisible Dimension d c.getPreferredSize if x 0 x d.width maxwidth fits in current row. if x 0 x.. i if c.isVisible found_one true Dimension d c.getPreferredSize minx Math.min minx d.width miny Math.min miny d.height ..

JTable how prepareEditor works


getValueAt row 0 return c return Box.createRigidArea c.getPreferredSize @Override public Component prepareEditor TableCellEditor editor.. getValueAt row 0 return c return Box.createRigidArea c.getPreferredSize model.addTableModelListener new TableModelListener @Override.. column 0 column 1 return c return Box.createRigidArea c.getPreferredSize @Override public Component prepareEditor TableCellEditor editor..

Set Size of JComboBox PopupMenu


popupWindow Component c popup.getParent Dimension d c.getPreferredSize c.setSize d else popupWindow.pack The one issue is that..