

java Programming Glossary: cacerts.jks

java - path to trustStore - set property doesnt work?


keystore.jks System.setProperty javax.net.ssl.trustStrore cacerts.jks System.setProperty javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword changeit String.. System.setProperty javax.net.ssl.trustStrore java.home cacerts.jks System.setProperty javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword changeit System.setProperty..

Mutual-authentication with web services


Files glassfish 3.0.1 glassfish domains domain1 config cacerts.jks keytool import noprompt trustcacerts alias my_ca file ca ca.pem..

telling java to accept self-signed ssl certificate


v trustcacerts alias server alias file server.cer keystore cacerts.jks keypass changeit storepass changeit Option 2 Disable Certificate..

How do I debug GlassFish 3 using Eclipse Helios?


C glassfishv3 glassfish domains myDomain config cacerts.jks Dcom.sun.enterprise.security.httpsOutboundKeyAlias s1as Djava.security.auth.login.config..

SSLHandshakeException: no cipher suites in common


alias clientkey file .. client client.cer keystore cacerts.jks keypass p@ssw0rd storepass p@ssw0rd On the client side http.. alias serverkey file .. server server.cer keystore cacerts.jks keypass changeit storepass changeit Had to use another medium.. alias clientkey file .. client client.cer keystore cacerts.jks keypass p@ssw0rd storepass p@ssw0rd Client keytool import v..