java Programming Glossary: c.setbackground
Change background color of one cell in JTable [duplicate] model MyModel table.getModel if model.getState row c.setBackground else if isSelected c.setBackground backgroundColor.. c.setBackground else if isSelected c.setBackground backgroundColor return c private static class MyEditor extends..
TableCellRenderer and how to refresh Cell background without using JTable.repaint() .toString if value.toString .equalsIgnoreCase str c.setBackground Color.RED else c.setBackground null return this table.getTableHeader.. .equalsIgnoreCase str c.setBackground Color.RED else c.setBackground null return this table.getTableHeader .setReorderingAllowed.. .toString if value.toString .equalsIgnoreCase str c.setBackground Color.RED else c.setBackground null return this table.getTableHeader..
refreshing background color for a row in jtable .startsWith 2 color cellColor if color null c.setBackground color else c.setBackground defaultColor return c public void.. cellColor if color null c.setBackground color else c.setBackground defaultColor return c public void resetColor Color color for..
JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell row column if isRowSelected row Alternate row color c.setBackground row 2 0 getBackground Color.LIGHT_GRAY return c table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize.. column JComponent jc JComponent c if isRowSelected row c.setBackground getBackground int modelRow convertRowIndexToModel row String.. modelRow 0 if Buy .equals type Buy Sell .equals type c.setBackground else if Sell .equals type Sell Buy .equals type..
Changing Swing JTable Cell Colors value isSelected hasFocus row column if row 2 column 2 c.setBackground new java.awt.Color 0 0 255 return c Besides the fact that this.. row selection if table.isRowSelected row if row 2 column 2 c.setBackground new java.awt.Color 0 0 255 else c.setBackground table.getBackground.. 2 column 2 c.setBackground new java.awt.Color 0 0 255 else c.setBackground table.getBackground In the future post a proper SSCCE with your..
Changing JTable cell color table value isSelected hasFocus row column c.setBackground new java.awt.Color 255 72 72 return c If you write a renderer..