java Programming Glossary: calculating
Java Code for calculating Leap Year Code for calculating Leap Year I am following The Art and Science of Java book and..
HashMap implementation in Java. How does the bucket index calculation work? java hashmap share improve this question It's not calculating the hash it's calculating the bucket . The expression h length.. improve this question It's not calculating the hash it's calculating the bucket . The expression h length 1 does a bit wise AND on..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? pixel take conversion up to one single value by calculating pixel intensity. R G B int 0.299 R 0.587 G 0.114 B set bit.. R G B int 0.299 R 0.587 G 0.114 B set bit into bitset by calculating the pixel's luma if R 55 dots.set k this is the bitset that..
Simple statistics - Java packages for calculating mean, standard deviation, etc statistics Java packages for calculating mean standard deviation etc Could you please suggest any simple.. hand when I needed them. I don't remember the formula for calculating stdev by heart java math statistics packages share improve..
understanding basic recursion works in the sence that how is it stored It starts off by calculating 5 5 1 then down to 4 4 1 then 3 3 1 ..... until it gets to 1..
Threads per Processor will take lots of CPU power and not require any I O like calculating pi prime numbers etc. then 1 thread per CPU will probably be..
How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service starts I plan to start a Service that will be constantly calculating the data it will be changing and I want the ActivityList to.. to be in sync with the data that the service is calculating for the life of the app. How can I set up my Activity to be.. and need to be in sync with the in my case Service that is calculating fetching the data constantly. Thanks in advance java android..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) needs a custom external function for the Haversine formula calculating distance on a sphere but I haven't found nothing yet that is..
Graphing the pitch (frequency) of a sound FFT note that it's really just an efficient algorithm for calculating the discrete Fourier transform DFT see http
RGB to CMYK and back algorithm back algorithm I am trying to implement a solution for calculating the conversion between RGB and CMYK and vice versa. Here is..
Very Large Numbers in Java Without using java.math.BigInteger are more complicated so I'm omitting them for now. For calculating the factorial of 90 this should be enough. Calculating big factorials..
Java - get pixel array from image the alpha value. Using this method is harder in terms of calculating indices but is much faster than the first approach. In my application..
Java: dividing 2 ints makes an int? 2 ints makes an int In another Bruce Eckels exercise in calculating velocity v s t where s and t are integers. How do I make it..
Stretch a JLabel text as well. I saw some solution that could work It involved calculating and setting the font size so it appears the right height. I..
Put JTable in the JTree Forgot the reason querying the scrollPane's prefSize in calculating the required size done in the ui delegate namely the VariableHeightLayoutCache..
Calculating and printing the nth prime number and print ONLY the nth prime number User input while calculating the rest They won't be printed only the nth prime number will..
How can I make a cell in a ListView in Android expand and contract vertically when it's touched? interpolatedTime t if interpolatedTime 1.0f Calculating the new bottom margin and setting it mViewLayoutParams.bottomMargin..
Calculating the Difference Between Two Java Date Instances the Difference Between Two Java Date Instances I'm using Java's..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? which describes regarding Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android refer this links Link 1 Link 2 On 4 Aug 2010..
Calculating the angle between the line defined by two points the angle between the line defined by two points I'm currently..
Prime number calculation fun If this optimization indeed increases speed is up to java. Calculating the square root takes a lot of time compared to multiplying..
Which programming languages can be used to develop in Android? [duplicate] which describes regarding Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android refer this links Link 1 Link 2 On 4 Aug 2010..
Calculating the angle between two lines without having to calculate the slope? (Java) the angle between two lines without having to calculate the..
Calculating difference in dates in Java difference in dates in Java I find it funny that Java or the..
Calculating all of the subsets of a set of numbers all of the subsets of a set of numbers I want to find the subsets..
Very Large Numbers in Java Without using java.math.BigInteger For calculating the factorial of 90 this should be enough. Calculating big factorials Here the factorial function calculates the factorial..
Java, Calculate the number of days between two dates the number of days between two dates Possible Duplicate Calculating the Difference Between Two Java Date Instances In Java I want..
Calculating and printing the nth prime number and printing the nth prime number I am trying to calculate..
Calculating running totals in JTable using JComboBox running totals in JTable using JComboBox I'm trying to calculate..