java Programming Glossary: ancestor
What is a difference between <? super E> and <? extends E>? question The first says that it's some type which is an ancestor of E the second says that it's some type which is a subclass..
Does Java casting introduce overhead? Why? Language Specification convert a subclass reference to an ancestor class reference. This casting operation is normally automatic.. conversions in the Java Language Specification convert an ancestor class reference to a subclass reference. This casting operation..
How to use Hibernate @Any-related annotations? to different types of entities that don't have a common ancestor entity so a plain polymorphic association doesn't do the work... came from different applications they don't have any ancestor entity the common ancestor is java.lang.Object. Still we would.. they don't have any ancestor entity the common ancestor is java.lang.Object. Still we would like to have one Borrow..
Java Generics (Wildcards) type extends T is known as an upper bound or has to be an ancestor of a specific type super T is known as a lower bound . The Java..
Generate/get xpath from XML node java match @ or not xsl if test not xsl apply templates select ancestor or self mode path xsl value of select concat ' ' vApos . vApos.. xsl template match @ xsl apply templates select .. ancestor or self mode path xsl value of select concat ' @' name ' ' vApos.. element if it doesn't have children elements all of its ancestor or self elements are processed in a specific mode named 'path'..
“Comparison method violates its general contract!”
XML shredding via XSLT in Java Job Employee xsl attribute name name xsl value of select ancestor Employee @name xsl attribute Address xsl value of select ancestor.. Employee @name xsl attribute Address xsl value of select ancestor Employee Address Address Age xsl value of select ancestor Employee.. ancestor Employee Address Address Age xsl value of select ancestor Employee Age Age EmploymentHistory Employment xsl attribute..