java Programming Glossary: amazon
How to print a WebView? png to a custom web service perhaps running on Google Apps Amazon AWS or a traditional hosted machine which simple returns a pdf...
use java-ffmpeg wrapper, or simply use java runtime to execute ffmpeg? once an new instruction arrives instructions is stored in Amazon SQS but it's irrelevant to my question I'm facing a choice either..
Google Appengine Cloud SQL issue with Spring Hibernate I have a working Spring Hibernate Application running on Amazon EC2 with MySQL. I am thinking of porting my application to Google..
Open source Java library to produce webpage thumbnails server-side rather than call out to external services such as Amazon or websnapr . http was mentioned in this..
Circular References in Java GC algorithms. If you really want to learn more try Amazon Garbage Collection Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management..
Java payment gateway library the major gateways and providers like Paypal Google Amazon and some direct merchant account providers like
Avoiding instanceof in Java You might be interested in this entry from Steve Yegge's Amazon blog when polymorphism fails . Essentially he's addressing cases..
Amazon Product Advertising API signed request with Java Product Advertising API signed request with Java after many.. a client from the provided WSDL file. I used a tutorial by Amazon for this. You can find it here Tutorial for generating the web.. problem. All the credit goes to Jon and the guys of the Amazon forums. Before I outline what I did here is a link to the post..
How Can I Avoid Using Exceptions for Flow Control? storage system will be a third party remote system like Amazon S3. This means that a contains method would require a round..
Upload file or InputStream to S3 with a progress callback a progress callback We are uploading a file using the Amazon AWS Java Library and are having difficulty obtaining upload.. the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty on Linux, or why is the default truststore empty having an empty trust store Note that this happens on an Amazon EC2 instance with the AMI linux so it might be due to some amazon..
Streaming large files in a java servlet One of the servlets will be serving images stored in Amazon S3. Recently under load I ran out of memory in my VM and it..
How I save and retrieve an image on my server in a java webapp storing in the DB or sending to a 3rd party host such as Amazon S3 is your best bet. See also How to provide relative path in..
How Long Does it Take to Learn Java for a Complete Newbie? [closed] a good book the one linked above has some good reviews on Amazon then in 10 weeks you might be proficient enough to do something..
How to start and stop an Amazon EC2 instance programmatically in java to start and stop an Amazon EC2 instance programmatically in java How do i start and stop.. so private String startInstance final String instanceId AmazonEC2 ec2 final BuildLogger buildLogger throws AmazonServiceException.. AmazonEC2 ec2 final BuildLogger buildLogger throws AmazonServiceException AmazonClientException InterruptedException StartInstancesRequest..
Reverse a given sentence in java given sentence in java This was the question asked me in amazon interview. Write a program to reverse a given sentence like..
Amazon Product Advertising API signed request with Java tutorial I posted in my question. java web services api amazon web services amazon share improve this question Try this.. in my question. java web services api amazon web services amazon share improve this question Try this afer you create the.. of the code you have is fine. The WSDL is http AWSECommerceService AWSECommerceService.wsdl share improve..
Upload file or InputStream to S3 with a progress callback callback to check up on file upload progress Thanks java amazon s3 share improve this question I came upon this exact problem.. the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty on Linux, or why is the default truststore empty EC2 instance with the AMI linux so it might be due to some amazon policies I think java was pre installed but I'm not sure java..
maven s3 wagon provider but I'm figuring how to use it. Any hint java maven 2 amazon s3 share improve this question There is a newer s3 provider..
How to start and stop an Amazon EC2 instance programmatically in java programmatically in java How do i start and stop an amazon EC2 instance programmatically using aws sdk in java Any helps.. as I have spent a day while trying to sort this out. java amazon ec2 share improve this question I've recently implemented..
Java 2D Game engine for tile-based Game haven't implemented anything with it yet though . Link to amazon You could also download the code without getting the book but..
SSHJ - Keypair login to EC2 instance ssh new SSHClient ssh.connect ec2 XXXXXXX.compute ssh.authPublickey ubuntu getPemAsString Users me ec2.pem.. fd 44 1d e0 e4 fc d8 5f f8 dd f6` for `ec2 XXXX.compute` on port 22 INFO reader 302 Setting.. fd 44 1d e0 e4 fc xx 5f f8 dd f6` for `ec2 XXXX.compute` on port 22 EDIT Still no luck. Must be doing something..
Finding AWS ElastiCache endpoints with Java both times. Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong java amazon web services memcached amazon elasticache share improve this.. I could be doing wrong java amazon web services memcached amazon elasticache share improve this question According to the..