java Programming Glossary: ambiguity
Why main method in Java always needs arguments? an error If not which one takes precedence when there is ambiguity Is this confusing yet By only allow void main String the JLS.. C# gives you alternative signatures and deals with the ambiguity problem by requiring the developer to designate an entry point..
Multiple Inheritance in java not allowing multiple inheritance like C when there is no ambiguity and hence no chances of diamond problem while inheriting from..
goto keyword in java EDIT Just to rephrase the question once again to avoid the ambiguity I understand goto functionality is not supported in java and..
Why is the Java main method static? The method is static because otherwise there would be ambiguity which constructor should be called Especially if your class..
Strange Java null behavior in Method Overloading [duplicate] System.out.println Str If I call foo null why is there no ambiguity Why does the program call foo String x instead of foo Object.. with parameter String and Integer then you would get ambiguity error for null as compiler cannot decide which one is more specific..
Import package.* vs import package.SpecificType [duplicate] like to keep things straightward clean and with as little ambiguity as possible and I think with a . import you lose that. share..
Method has the same erasure as another method in type needs to resolve a single method. To eliminate this ambiguity classes are not allowed to have multiple methods that are override..
Why does String.valueOf(null) throw a NullPointerException? null prints null Related questions How does polymorph ambiguity distinction work Which overload will get selected for null in..
Primitive or wrapper for hibernate primary keys int 0 from a an assigned 0 while there is no possible ambiguity with a null a null id always means a new entity which is why..
Why is the range of bytes -128 to 127 in Java? processing in hardware and also eliminates the potential ambiguity of having positive zero and negative zero. A side effect of..
Relationship between JMS connections, sessions, and producers/consumers messages. Inside of a transaction the same window of ambiguity exists but it is on the COMMIT call rather then the PUT or GET... not to lose one. The JMS spec recognizes this window of ambiguity and provides the following guidance If a failure occurs between.. if the transaction was committed or rolled back. The same ambiguity exists when a failure occurs between the non transactional send..
Why does autoboxing make some calls ambiguous in Java? Java I noticed today that auto boxing can sometimes cause ambiguity in method overload resolution. The simplest example appears..
Reference is ambiguous with generics void test This works perfectly. T is bound to String ambiguity between setValue .. String and setValue .. Field is impossible.. setValue p1 f1 This causes issues. T is bound to Object ambiguity between setValue .. Object and setValue .. Field is possible..
Google Guava isNullOrEmpty for collections null should be treated the same as empty then get all that ambiguity out of the way up front like this Set Foo foos NaughtyClass.getFoos..