java Programming Glossary: amongst
JLayeredPane with a JDialog 0 The layered pane of the JRootPane is responsible for amongst other things laying out the content pane and menu bar. It is..
Java: What is the best way to SFTP a file from a server including Eclipse Ant and Apache Commons HttpClient amongst others. It supports both user pass and certificate based logins..
Drawing 2 Balls to move in different direction on Java but one disappeared [closed] Swing uses a single thread model that is responsible for amongst other things dispatching repaint requests to all the components...
Where to put a shared library in JBoss AS 5? of these static values. If you want to share data amongst more WARs use an external storage a database a file with synchronization..
remove xml declaration from the generated xml document using java is valid in XML 1.0 but you lose character encoding data amongst other things which can be very important. share improve this..
Java: where do static fields live within the memory? Static fields are class variables and are shared amongst all instances of that class. Instance variables or object fields..
How to protect compiled Java classes? an Internet connection. Hence we protect our software amongst other by having part of the computation happening on the server..
In Java, for a string x, what is the runtime cost of s.length()? Is it O(1) or O(n)? length as a field. The advice you've received is true of C amongst other languages but not java. C's strlen walks the char array..
Java Process with Input/Output Stream scan.nextLine if input.trim .equals exit Putting 'exit' amongst the echo EOF s below doesn't work. writer.write exit n else..
Gson and deserializing an array of objects with arrays in it serialization APIs. Gson has traditionally been amongst the slowest . The current and next releases of Gson reportedly..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? are not in Java extended to work with Unicode. Alone amongst these b enjoys certain extended semantics but these map neither..
Designing a Test class for a custom Barrier for your Class Testing stuff concurrently is hard tm GOOS amongst other people recommending separating the concurrency part from..
When Hibernate flushes a Session, how does it decide which objects in the session are dirty? which ends up amongst other interesting locations at flushEntities . That loops over..
Java library to compare image similarity Java libraries of image processing. Hopefully there's one amongst them that can compare images for similarity. Ok last edit The..
How to start and stop an Amazon EC2 instance programmatically in java the AmazonEC2 interface which defines all relevant methods amongst many others specifically StartInstances StopInstances RebootInstances..
How encapsulation is different from abstraction as a object oriented concept in java? is a more generic term it can also be achieved by amongst others subclassing. For example the class List in the standard..
Hibernate cascades : Object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing fetch FetchType.EAGER private Person person and doing amongst other things this Parent parent new Parent Person person new..