java Programming Glossary: analysis
What's wrong with using == to compare floats in Java? sectionID currentSectionID into my editor and run static analysis I get JAVA0078 Floating point values compared with What is wrong..
Do you keep your project files under version control? [closed] answer . Those settings often includes static code analysis rules which are vitally important to enforce consistently for..
Java HTTPS client certificate authentication the request. Get Wireshark. It has great SSL HTTPS packet analysis and will be a tremendous help debugging and finding the problem...
PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives? statement in clause share improve this question An analysis of the various options available and the pros and cons of each..
Real differences between “java -server” and “java -client”? approach and typically outperforms even advanced static analysis and compilation techniques. Note The release of jdk6 update..
Recommendations for a heap analysis tool for Java? [closed] for a heap analysis tool for Java closed List your favorite heap analysis tools.. analysis tool for Java closed List your favorite heap analysis tools e.g. jprofiler jmap ... . Let's keep it one tool per answer..
open source image processing lib in java but it has a handful of features that can facilitate image analysis. JIU Java Imaging Utilities http projects jiu.. index.php title Main_Page Endrov is a multi purpose image analysis program. I get the impression that the underlying API is usable..
Switch Statement with Strings in Java the O log n performance of lookupswitch it requires some analysis to determine whether the table is dense enough to justify the..
How to deal with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” error (64MB heap size) on large datasets like a database or some scientific analysis program and then techniques like caching and memory mapped IO..
How to find a Java Memory Leak Run a diff for 2 snapshots and analyze it. Basically analysis should start from greatest positive diff by say object types.. web applications that process requests in several threads analysis gets more complicated but nevertheless general approach still..
Which @NotNull Java annotation should I use? as use tooling like IDE code inspection and or static code analysis FindBugs and Sonar to avoid NullPointerExceptions. Many of the.. Created for runtime validation not static analysis. documentation edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull Used.. Used by Findbugs static analysis and therefore Sonar documentation javax.annotation.Nonnull This..
Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed] production grade. Some time back we conducted an in house analysis of the two creating a test fixture which generated load and..
How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable? content state in that column So even if interaction analysis comes out with a clear we do need want it action only in addition..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? the web a little bit but I haven't found any comprehensive analysis of the subject. So I have the following questions Should I completely..
Effective Java: Analysis of the clone() method Java Analysis of the clone method Consider the following from Effective Java..
java.sql.SQLException: - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded pooling rather than building your own Static Code Analysis Use a tool like the excellent Findbugs to perform a static code..
How do commercial Java static analysis tools compare with the free ones? [closed] A recent project conducted with NIST called SATE Static Analysis Tool Exposition reviewed a wide variety of different tools and..
Big O Notation Homework--Code Fragment Algorithm Analysis? [closed] O Notation Homework Code Fragment Algorithm Analysis closed For homework I was given the following 8 code fragments..
Thread Dump Analysis Tool / Method [closed] Dump Analysis Tool Method closed When the Java application is hanging you..
How can I parse this JSON in Android? 25 recommended false bio Apple News AAPL Stock Analysis visit Apple Digest blog link above login AppleReporter first_name..
Association vs. Aggregation [duplicate] can be considered true. Grady Booch in his Object Oriented Analysis and Design brings a similar example for association a sale is..
Processing Audio Data using Fourier Transforms in Java the Fast Fourier Transform FFT Algorithm.htm Spectrum Analysis using Java Sampling Frequency Folding Frequency and the FFT.. java other article.php 3380031 Spectrum Analysis using Java Sampling Frequency Folding Frequency and the FFT..
Guava and Weblogic:ClassNotFoundException You cannot find this library in WebLogic Classloader Analysis Tool CAT . I'm not sure why is that.... Why not using WebLogic..
Static Analysis tool recommendation for Java? [closed] Analysis tool recommendation for Java closed Being vaguely familiar..