java Programming Glossary: analogous
How to draw a clock with JavaFX 2? JavaFX 2 Given an hour and a minute I want to draw an analogous clock. I was able to create a Group with a Circle but I don't..
Why main method in Java always needs arguments? allow void main String the JLS avoids the problem. This is analogous to the standard C and C entrypoint signatures. Admittedly some..
Scala equivalent of Java java.lang.Class<T> Object returns the runtime representation for a Scala type. It is analogous to the Java expression T.class . Using classOf T is convenient..
Why use a ReentrantLock if one can use synchronized(this)? serves a different purpose and is thus not directly analogous to synchronized . In that code there appears to be no reason..
Looking for File Traversal Functions in Python that are Like Java's then easily recurse through directory trees. Is there an analogous way to do this in Python java python file traversal share..
Eclipse Java project folder organization the right Java Eclipse term for .jar files that will be analogous to the above MyAppsUtilities and LowerLevelStuff assembly DLLs..
What does the “static” modifier after “import” mean? static import.html The static import declaration is analogous to the normal import declaration. Where the normal import declaration..
Java: Multiple class declarations in one file below for example. Is there a tidy name for this technique analogous to inner nested anonymous The JLS says the system may enforce..
Avoiding instanceof in Java of a base class none of them are under my control. An analogous situation would be with the Java classes Integer Double BigDecimal..
Unresponsive threading involving Swing and AWT-EventQueue currently processing the event posted by invokeAndWait analogous to E1 in my scenario above . If it were the deadlock would occur.. invokeAndWait to post E1 to the event queue thus it's analogous to E0 in my scenario above. So far this is probably mostly a..
How to determine if a List is sorted in Java? getting all tangled up. It would also be nice to have an analogous method to check if the list is in reverse order. java generics..
Why does int num = Integer.getInteger(“123”) throw NullPointerException? For completeness there are also these methods that are analogous to Integer.getInteger Boolean.getBoolean String Long.getLong..
Best way to iterate over two lists simultaneously? going to need a light weight pair class. This is roughly analogous to the Map.Entry inner class. Here's a rough cut at a generic..
Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused we have a List List Integer lol and a List String list the analogous two unrelated wildcards situations from TwoListsOfUnknowns In..
How does this Java regex detect palindromes? The use of string replacements in the snippet is an analogous situation but for strings regex patterns. Instead of explicitly..
Android API like java.awt.Robot API like java.awt.Robot Is there an Android API analogous to java.awt.Robot i.e. an API allowing to take screenshots ..
What are the similarities and differences between Java Annotations and C# Attributes? attribute that is driven from compile time symbols. So the analogous example in C# is Conditional TRACE public class TraceLoggingAttribute..
access to auto increment identity field after SQL insert in java
How is the fork/join framework better than a thread pool? dst threadPool is a cached thread pool int maxSize 100000 analogous to F J's sThreshold List Future futures new ArrayList Future..