java Programming Glossary: amount
Unloading classes in java? from an AppServer I need to talk to. We did this since the amount of jars that are required to do this are ridiculous if we wanted..
How to timeout a thread to timeout a thread I want to run a thread for some fixed amount of time. If it is not completed within that time I want to either..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android metric here is PrivateDirty which is basically the amount of RAM inside the process that can not be paged to disk it is.. kB Cached 84104 kB SwapCached 0 kB MemTotal is the total amount of memory available to the kernel and user space often less.. is needed for the radio DMA buffers etc . MemFree is the amount of RAM that is not being used at all. The number you see here..
Using Java to get OS-level system information cores Runtime.getRuntime .availableProcessors Total amount of free memory available to the JVM System.out.println Free.. limit long maxMemory Runtime.getRuntime .maxMemory Maximum amount of memory the JVM will attempt to use System.out.println Maximum..
What is the memory consumption of an object in Java? way it pleases internally big or little endian with any amount of padding or overhead though primitives must behave as if they..
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? when generics were introduced and there was an enormous amount of Java code in existence that did not use generics. It was..
How to deal with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” error (64MB heap size) 32 bit this is around 2gb not specifically heap but total amount of memory per process . It just happens that Java happens to.. several approaches you could take to either determine what amount of memory you need or to reduce the amount of memory you are.. determine what amount of memory you need or to reduce the amount of memory you are using. One common mistake with garbage collected..
Can a progress bar be used in a class outside main? JProgressBar progressBar static Container pane double amountSaved 0 int i 0 public void runCalcs Double MP Double StepAmt.. while if there's a value for current payments calculate amount saved if C1 0 double CN1 Math.log10 1 IM1 L1 C1 1 Math.log10.. 1 Math.log10 1 IM2 double CT2 CN2 C2 double CTotal CT1 CT2 amountSaved CTotal minLoop end method runCalcs Workbook wb new HSSFWorkbook..
How do you find all subclasses of a given class in Java? the super and subclasses in what seems to be an efficient amount of time because it already has all of the type data loaded at..
Moving decimal places over in a double This works because Double.toString d performs a small amount of rounding on your behalf but it is not much. If you are wondering..
Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side? just stresstest and profile your webapp with expected max amount of concurrent users and then give the appserver 125 ~ 150 of..
Centering a JLabel on a JPanel true even if the JPanel was resized but if that's a crazy amount of coding than it is sufficient to just be centered when the..
How to maintain JTable cell rendering after cell edit DefaultTableModel model new DefaultTableModel new String Amount 0 @Override public Class getColumnClass int columnIndex return..
How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover? Exact Make Model information on the CPU FSB information Amount of RAM Amount of swap virtual memory The JVM in which the applet.. Model information on the CPU FSB information Amount of RAM Amount of swap virtual memory The JVM in which the applet is being..
How to print strings with line breaks in java n 09 10 2012 harsha no 001 n No Item Qty Price Amount n 1 Bread 1 50.00 50.00 n ____________________________ n private.. newline 09 10 2012 harsha no 001 newline No Item Qty Price Amount newline 1 Bread 1 50.00 50.00 newline ____________________________..
Servlet Redirection to same page with error message errorMessage div p Enter amount input type text name itemAmount p input type submit value Submit Data form body html Variant.. 0 try amount Integer.parseInt request.getParameter itemAmount catch NumberFormatException e do something or whatever if.. least 1 if amount 100 request.setAttribute errorMessage Amount of items ordered is too big. No more than 100 is currently available...
Printing reciepts with thermal printer in java Time n n Name Qty Rate Amt n n String amt n n nTotal Amount amt n Tax tax n n Thank you. n String bill Header int i 0..
Execute jdbc applet in browser String vi create table head1 Reapporder integer Amount integer String vi insert into head1 values 1 2 boolean i false..
Retrieving Device Information on Android about how many processes can be running at the same time . Amount of free memory is really really meaningless. We generally try..
Is there a portable way to have “SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM T” semantic? 0 Index of first row to be retrieved. .setMaxResults 10 Amount of rows to be retrieved. .list In JPA you can do similar using.. 0 Index of first row to be retrieved. .setMaxResults 10 Amount of rows to be retrieved. .getResultList share improve this..
How to call a static method in JSP/EL? var row items rs.rows ID br Passwd row.passwd br Amount Calculate.getAmount row.balance c forEach It seems it's not.. ID br Passwd row.passwd br Amount Calculate.getAmount row.balance c forEach It seems it's not possible to insert scriptlets.. basically 2 options assuming both balance and Calculate#getAmount are double . Just add another getter. public double getAmount..
Why does f:validateDoubleRange only work for @SessionScoped? fooId new Foo foo.setFooId fooId foo.setMinAmount Double.valueOf 3 foo.setMaxAmount Double.valueOf 10 public Foo.. fooId foo.setMinAmount Double.valueOf 3 foo.setMaxAmount Double.valueOf 10 public Foo getFoo return foo public void sendAmount.. 10 public Foo getFoo return foo public void sendAmount log.debug sendAmount amount public BigDecimal getAmount return..
Is there a way to make JScience output in a more “human friendly” format? friendly&rdquo format When I use toString for JScience Amount objects I get results like this 7.5 ± 4.4E 16 mph This isn't.. clarify I'm hoping for a solution that will work for any Amount with any type of Units or at least all of the pre defined ones.. the errors and units you can do something like this Amount Velocity x Amount.valueOf 7.5 NonSI.MILES_PER_HOUR System.out.println..
Calculating running totals in JTable using JComboBox dm.setDataVector new Object new Object Combos Amount Running Total table new JTable dm public TableCellRenderer.. sumupValue value1 table.getModel .setValueAt formatAmount value1 0 1 table.getModel .setValueAt formatAmount sumupValue.. formatAmount value1 0 1 table.getModel .setValueAt formatAmount sumupValue 0 2 ItemListener ActionListener for combo2 cb2.addItemListener..