java Programming Glossary: amodel
Making a JButton clickable inside a JTable new Runnable public void run DefaultTableModel aModel new DefaultTableModel setting the jtable read only @Override.. return false String cols N° Société TVA CP Ville aModel.setColumnIdentifiers cols Object temp new Object 6 for int i.. temp 3 result i .cp temp 4 result i .city temp 5 Consulter aModel.addRow temp Clients.tblResult.setModel aModel Clients.tblResult.addMouseListener..
How to configure JComboBox not to select FIRST element when created? model as the API says public JComboBox ComboBoxModel aModel Creates a JComboBox that takes its items from an existing ComboBoxModel...
Set Size of JComboBox PopupMenu super public JIntelligentComboBox MutableComboBoxModel aModel super aModel init public JIntelligentComboBox Object items super.. JIntelligentComboBox MutableComboBoxModel aModel super aModel init public JIntelligentComboBox Object items super items init.. super public JIntelligentComboBox MutableComboBoxModel aModel super aModel init public JIntelligentComboBox Object items..