

c++ Programming Glossary: they've

Unresolved Externals Nightmare


no idea what's going on. These are not the sort of issues they've taught us how to deal with in school. I know my data structures..

C++0X Concepts are gone. Which other features should go too?


into the current standard. Unfortunately it seems like they've given up on removing it. Last I checked it wasn't even deprecated..

Which STL container should I use for a FIFO?


finish last. Their code becomes a slop of mush because they've abandoned all that is good in order to really get nothing out..

C++ Boost: what's the cause of this warning?


nothing to worry about. In the last few releases of MSVC they've gone into full security paranoia mode. std copy issues this..

Random long long generator C++ [closed]


adequate implementation but I assume that's only because they've been busy on other things and that they'll get around to it..

Learning C++ Templates


to be helpful on numerous occasions. Looks like they've got a pretty good intro to templates. If its an actual book..

Using the Google Chrome Sandbox [closed]


entirety which can take hours to use the sandbox. Instead they've been nice enough to give you a separate sandbox solution found.. static libs but they appear to mostly be for the sample UI they've built. The only ones I've found that seem to be required for..

How to use SQLite in a multi-threaded application?


things correctly BTW thanks for the answers so far they've helped a lot. c multithreading sqlite share improve this..

Boost.ASIO-based HTTP client library (like libcurl)


if it's mature enough yet I would say it probably is since they've proposed it for Boost inclusion . share improve this answer..

What is the origin of the term “baller” which means “pointer”? [closed]


of Indian co workers who went to school in India said they've never heard of it. Where does the term baller come from and..

What can I use to profile C++ code in Linux?


programmers tend to be skeptical of this technique unless they've used it themselves. They will say that profilers give you this..

playing with GCC 4.6 on windows


How does SysInternal's ProcessMonitor work?


the various sub topics and try to write my own one I know they've used some sort of dll injection API hooking but i'm unsure how..

Creating a counter that stays synchronized across MPI processes


contribution to the counter in this case how many items they've taken updating your own closing the window and calculating the..

Multithreaded job queue manager


this either by a hanging onto the job objects even after they've finished running so you can use their contents from the main..

Is std::string part of the STL?


since C was standardised some 13 years ago remember and they've backwards adopted some of the stuff that went into the standard..

C++ custom stream manipulator that changes next item on stream


What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++?


between Unicode UTF 16 and their multibyte character set they've defined _tmain which if Unicode is enabled is compiled as wmain..