

c++ Programming Glossary: theta

Edges on polygon outlines not always correct


v1.y v1.y if dot 1.0f dot 1.0f if dot 1.0f dot 1.0f float theta_0 acos dot float theta theta_0 t POINTFLOAT v2 v2.x v0.y v2.y.. dot 1.0f if dot 1.0f dot 1.0f float theta_0 acos dot float theta theta_0 t POINTFLOAT v2 v2.x v0.y v2.y v0.x POINTFLOAT result.. if dot 1.0f dot 1.0f float theta_0 acos dot float theta theta_0 t POINTFLOAT v2 v2.x v0.y v2.y v0.x POINTFLOAT result result.x..

Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );


3 int Axis Xaxis GLfloat Theta NumAxes 0.0 0.0 0.0 GLuint theta int Index 0 void quad int a int b int c int d point4 vertices.. . glUniform1i glGetUniformLocation program texture 0 theta glGetUniformLocation program theta glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST glClearColor.. program texture 0 theta glGetUniformLocation program theta glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST glClearColor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 void display..

How to find where to cast a ray to avoid collision in Bullet?


and gives better results than path smoothing. It's called Theta . There is a nice article explaining Theta from which I stole.. It's called Theta . There is a nice article explaining Theta from which I stole the above image here If you can't restrict..

C++ Visual Studio character encoding issues


helpfully uses the glyph of my standard codepage capital Theta the same I would get if I did not call SetConsoleOutputCP ...

Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );


Xaxis 0 Yaxis 1 Zaxis 2 NumAxes 3 int Axis Xaxis GLfloat Theta NumAxes 0.0 0.0 0.0 GLuint theta int Index 0 void quad.. GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glUniform3fv theta 1 Theta glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES 0 NumVertices glutSwapBuffers .. GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON Axis Zaxis break void idle void Theta Axis 0.01 if Theta Axis 360.0 Theta Axis 360.0 glutPostRedisplay..