c++ Programming Glossary: them..
C++ Get name of type in template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1055452/c-get-name-of-type-in-template that the data files might use since there are loads of them... Also I need a solution that does not incur any runtime overhead..
C++ Build Systems - What to use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12017580/c-build-systems-what-to-use them has decent knowledge of python I don't to work with them... So what build systems are recommended for something like this..
The efficient way to write move copy and move assignment constructors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12651063/the-efficient-way-to-write-move-copy-and-move-assignment-constructors compilers will do that for you but probably not all of them... Here's de duplicated version of your code. Note how there is..
Efficient unsigned-to-signed cast avoiding implementation-defined behavior http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13150449/efficient-unsigned-to-signed-cast-avoiding-implementation-defined-behavior I admit I have not memorized every word of all of them... But I believe I have read the relevant sections carefully...
Extend the life of threads with synchronization (C++11) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15252292/extend-the-life-of-threads-with-synchronization-c11 futures.clear Send stop signal to all threads and join them... for auto td threads std unique_lock std mutex l td.m td.stop..
In which scenario do I use a particular STL Container? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/471432/in-which-scenario-do-i-use-a-particular-stl-container own specific properties and I'm close to memorizing all of them... But what I do not yet grasp is in which scenario each of them..
Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/692848/volume-shadow-copy-vss and ACL's for NTFS files your problem will be restoring them... VSS will not help you on the restore. The main problem will..